Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan
communism, 150–51
    supreme command debate and, 154–56, 211, 226–27, 230, 290–91
    surrender debate and, 512–18, 520–21
    Taiwan as ruled by, 137
    thought police and, 187
    U.S. propaganda campaign against, 555–59
    see also Army, Imperial; Navy, Imperial; specific individuals, battles and wars
    Minami Jir, 229, 230–31, 243, 265
    Minobe Tatsukichi, 40, 77–80, 208, 287–94, 295, 296, 576
    MinseitParty, 208, 213, 215, 219, 222, 225, 228, 232
    Missouri, USS, 541
    Mitearai Tatsuo, 112
    Mitsubishi Company, 27
    Mitsukawa Kametaro, 98
    Miura Gor, 86
    Miyake Kanran, 42
    Miyake Setsurei, 42
    Miyoshi Tatsuji, 606
    Mizota Shichi, 584, 585
    Mizukuri Genpachi, 76
    Mizuno Rentar, 213, 220
    Mizuno Yoshiyuki, 273
    Molotov, Vyacheslav, 351, 394, 521
    British style of, 115–19
    constitutional 219, 292, 577
    education and, 58–59
    European model of, 7, 66–67
    see also emperor theory
    Mongolian People’s Republic (Outer Mongolia), 307, 351, 394
    see also Inner Mongolia
    â€œMonologue” (Hirohito), 2–5, 678
    dictation of, 589–92
    Tanaka episode in, 217–18
    Mori Tsutomu, 161, 220, 246, 247, 249, 254, 257
    Morrow, Thomas H., 616, 617
    Moscow Declaration, 581
    Motoshima Hitoshi, 685
    Mukden Special Agency, 306
    Munitions Ministry, Japanese, 539
    Muranaka Takaji, 295–96
    Muraoka Chtar, 217
    Mussolini, Benito, 109–10, 465, 574
    mutiny of February 1936, 296–305, 350–51, 679
    constitution and, 302–3
    executions resulting from, 301
    February 20 election and, 301–2
    Hirohito’s account of, 303–4
    Hirohito’s response to, 299–301, 304–5
    kokutai and, 297–300, 302
    MutAkira, 370, 609
    MutNobuyoshi, 257, 276
    Mutsuhito, see Meiji, emperor of Japan
    â€œMy Impressions Upon Reading the Imperial Rescript on the Establishment of Peace” (Hirohito), 91–93
    Nagai Takashi, 637
    Nagako, Empress of Japan, 96–97, 108, 123, 135, 139, 143–45, 183, 201, 270–71, 273, 336, 384, 533, 653, 658, 661, 671, 674
    Nagano Osami, 401–2, 406, 412, 418, 421, 424, 425, 426, 431, 454, 456, 458–59, 463, 464, 466, 468, 469, 471, 472, 476, 502, 593
    Nagasaki, 687
    atomic bombing of, 496, 635
    Hirohito’s visit to, 637
    Nagata Shujir, 165
    Nagata Tetsuzan, 244, 296
    Nagato, 144, 156, 426
    Nagazumi Torahiko, 48
    Nagura Bunichi, 111
    Nakagawa Yoshinaga, 141
    Nakajima Kesago, 332, 334
    Nakajima Michio, 194, 199, 200
    Nakamura Shintar, 228–29
    Nakamura Yjir, 96, 99, 102, 105
    Nakaoka Konichi, 122
    Nakasone Yasuhiro, 649, 681, 682–84
    Nakatani Takeo, 289
    Namba Daisuke, 140–42
    Nambara Shigeru, 605
    Nanking, “rape” of, 333–36, 340–41, 367
    Nanking Incident, 214
    Nanking International Safety Zone, 337
    Nantenb(Zen master), 42–43
    Napoleon I, emperor of France, 60, 395
    Napoleon jidaishi (History of the age of Napoleon) (Mizukuri), 76
    Narahashi Wataru, 574
    Nara Takeji, 45, 46, 106, 119, 120–21, 128–29, 142, 154, 156, 157, 172, 207, 214–15, 224, 225, 231, 235–36, 239, 240, 241, 243, 258, 259–61, 284
    Hirohito in diary of, 86–87
    National Archives, U.S., 6
    National Defense Security Law, 551
    National Essence League, 540
    National Foundation Day (Kigensetsu), 643
    National Foundation Society ( Kokuhonsha ), 164
    nationalism, 4, 40, 66, 105, 118, 120, 146, 224, 227, 535, 564
    anti-masses campaign and, 201–2
    anti-Semitism and, 280–81
    Chinese, 149
    of country people, 281–83
    emperor worship campaign and, 202–3
    enthronement rituals and, 224
    hakkichiu concept and, 200–201
    imperial way and, 10–11
    Nichiren sect and, 163–64, 167–69
    motokyreligion and, 167–68
    post-occupation, 657–59
    racism and, 196, 268–69
    renewal of, 636, 638
    sacred portrait and, 201
    xenophobia and, 8–9
    Nationalist Revolutionary Army, Chinese, 214
    National Learning school, 63
    national polity, see

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