into a pout. “I’ve earned them, and I deserve them. Already, I miss my spa and all my beautiful clothes. And the costumes I wear when I perform.” She stopped, her mouth forming an O. “I am going to miss my concert!” she shrieked. “This cannot happen! I’ve never missed a performance before.”
    “Big whoop!” Gavin retorted sarcastically. “As of six o’clock this morning, I was AWOL from Schofield. I think my superiors are gonna be slightly more pissed than your adoring public.”
    “Geez, you guys!” Kelly exclaimed. “It’s not as if you could help it. Given the circumstances, I’m sure everyone will understand and forgive. They’ll probably be tickled pink to have you back, if and when we ever get off this isolated speck of land.”
    “Who’s missing you right now, Kelly Kennedy?” Zach asked. “Do you have a husband out there, worried out of his mind?”
    She wrinkled her nose at this. “Just a soon-to-be-ex, who’s probably thrilled thinking he’ll inherit everything I own. And my parents, and my brother. They’ll be worried. Brad won’t. Knowing him, he’ll probably be relieved, though he’ll hide it well, of course. Can’t have his public image tarnished, and all that. In fact, I’ll bet he’s already found a way to cover up the fact that I’ve filed for divorce and is casting himself in the role of the bereaved widower— to the hilt. The conceited ass!” She returned the question to him. “What about you, Zach?”
    “I’m already a widower, for three years now. And I truly was bereaved.”
    Kelly could have kicked herself for her rash comments. “Gosh, I’m sorry, Zach! I didn’t know. I certainly didn’t mean to dredge up hurtful memories for you.”
    He shrugged off her apology. “It’s not myself I’m concerned about now, so much as my daughter. And my Dad. He’s having some health problems. We’re afraid it might be his heart. If he thinks I’ve been killed , it could prove fatal to him. I can only pray he’s strong enough to hang in there until we’re rescued.”
    “My God!” Blair blurted, her eyes wide with dismay. “You’re right! By now, everyone probably thinks we’re dead! Oh, my poor babies! Poor Anton!”
    “Hey! Slow down! You’re getting way ahead of yourselves,” Frazer proclaimed loudly. “Right now, all they know is that the plane didn’t make its scheduled landing, that we’ve disappeared somewhere in the Pacific. They might assume we’ve crashed, but they won’t automatically write us off, you know. First, they’ll check to see if we might have been hijacked. And they’ll keep an ear open to see if any radical faction claims responsibility for a bombing. They’ll send out reconnaissance planes. They’ll be searching, and hoping to find survivors. Which they will.”
    A t the peak of the day, when the heat was at its most debilitating, they retired to the shade of the palms to conserves what little energy they still possessed. A couple of hours later, Zach decided they really must renew their efforts to find water in the interior. He rallied his reluctant troops, and between them he and Gavin determined that their best plan would be to form a loose line, much as would be done in searching for a missing person. Even with his bum leg, Frazer insisted on being included. Wynne gladly volunteered to stay behind with Sydney, Roberts, and the still-unconscious teenager. Thus, the small party of explorers, numbering six, set off, armed with sticks for beating back the bushes. Zach set out the guide lines.
    “We’ll start here, and go straight inland. Everyone try to keep pace with those on either side of you, and stay within shouting distance of each other, if not actually within sight. Don’t clump up. Keep several yards between you, but scout the area as carefully as you can. A small pool or creek would be easy to miss amid the brush. Call out if you spot something, but don’t chat back and forth. We need to listen

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