How to Write a Brilliant Novel: The Easy Step-By-Step Method of Crafting a Powerful Story (Go! Write Something Brilliant)
failing at negotiation, and having a child caught in the crossfire. In the first scene, we get a cemented picture of that, and it’s used to great advantage when his own family is taken hostage. Hint at their greatest fears, and it will not only deepen your character, but give you something to work with in the plot.
Action words – The Inciting Incident has to be more than an event. You are trying to entice your reader to stick with the story. So you must “woo them with your words.” Use vivid descriptions, and active, strong verbs. Pick the right words to convey mood, and give the scene texture. You want the words to reach out and pull your reader in, and not let go.
    Now, before you say, “ What ? I can’t possibly put all that into an Inciting Incident!” Yes, you can! In fact, you have probably already done this, without realizing it.
    Here’s an idea: First, write a rough draft of your scene, based on the last section’s discovery notes. Now, take a highlighter (every author should be armed with an arsenal of different colors!) and go through your Inciting Incident, highlighting the six different of an Inciting Incident. You’ll be surprised at what’s there. And if it’s not, you now know what to add.
    I can’t stress enough the importance of taking your time to craft the perfect Inciting Incident. It’ll be your agent’s, your editor’s, and your reader’s first introduction to your character, your plot, your theme, and your voice. Take the time to write it well.
    Whether you’ve written your Inciting Incident or not, take the time to identify the six elements that will make it powerful.
What sympathetic situation is your character in?
What’s at stake—in this scene, and in the book?
What are your hero’s values, and what motivations do they lead to?
What are your hero’s desires?
His fears?
And how can you use them to build tension in the scene?
    Now, go through your scene and replace all the passive verbs with strong, action verbs.

Putting it all together: Your Plotting Roadmap
    When I have my character, my Premise, my Inciting Incident, and my Black Moment all ironed out, it’s time to put together the framework of the journey. I want to see the big picture, note the pit stops, the high points, the Black Moment, and the happy ending. Like being on a journey, I might not know all the discoveries I’ll make on the way, but at least I’ll know what direction I’m traveling.
    Let’s briefly revisit the Lindy Hop.
Inciting Incident Noble Quest
Disappointment 1
Y in the Road Disappointment 2
Y in the Road Disappointment 3
Help! – Point of No Return Overhaul
Perfect Ending!
    It’s a great start because know the basic moves now. But we need just a bit more shine to the moves, a little more depth. So, we’re going to add some elements to deepen the story.
    ACT 1
Inciting Incident
The Big Debate
Noble Quest
    So, your hero is going along with his life, taking the cow to market, and suddenly . . . something happens. You now recognize Life and the Inciting Incident. But now we’re going to throw in The Big Debate. See, he’s been given an invitation to change his life, to go on a journey of change, to discover new strengths in himself . . . to save the world. Will he take it? The Great Debate is all about your character standing at a crossroads and looking both ways. Which way should he choose? Forward, into Peril, or back, to Safe World? Both choices need to have sufficient motivation. Both need to offer sufficient risk. Eventually, it’ll be the hero’s overriding PURPOSE that will propel him forward into his Noble Quest, but make sure you build in a sufficient debate before you move him forward.
    ACT 2
Launch Noble Quest (Subplot Story begins)
Disappointment 1
Y in the Road Disappointment 2
Y in the Road
    Whether you’re writing a romance or not, you still need to have a hint of romance in your books. Whether it’s a traditional romance, or simply the

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