Ian's Way

Ian's Way by Reese Gabriel

Book: Ian's Way by Reese Gabriel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Reese Gabriel
I want to know why you are doing it.”
    “I’m just trying to amuse you.”
    She licked her lips. “Well, it’s not working.”
    “Nope. And don’t think I’m not on to your little tricks. You think I will beg you to take me, whimper like a little fool.”
    “I don’t think you will do anything you don’t want to,” said Ian.
    He reached out with just one hand, slow and deliberate, letting her anticipate.
    “Keep away,” she ordered.
    He found her belly. She moaned as he pressed with his palm, very lightly.
    “That’s not so bad, is it,” he rasped.
    “Yes…it is.”
    “Why don’t you turn over, honey? Put that sweet behind in the air for me and we’ll see about giving you what you want.”
    “No,” she said stubbornly.
    “You wanted me to be inside you from behind,” he reminded. “Pumping you hard and fast with my hands on your hips. Or would you rather I grabbed hold of your breasts, molding them the way you like?”
    “My breasts are perfectly fine where they are, thank you.” Nikky covered her chest, cupping her hands coyly.
    Ian arched a brow. “A little old for games, aren’t you?”
    “ Depends what kind of game. Try this on for size. For every question you answer, you get to see part of me.”
    “I have already seen all of you. Hell, I can see most of you right now.”
    “Fine,” she pouted. “One question for each breast, answer the third one and you can do whatever you want with me after that.”
    “Like you have the willpower to stop me right now?”
    “First question,” she ignored him. “Where the heck did you go after high school? Did you ever go to college because I never saw your name anywhere and trust me, I looked.”
    “I was at Cal Tech, but I dropped out my second semester. No real reason. Everything went stale, hard to describe.”
    “You were obviously missing your crack high school science comrade,” she quipped. “What’s half a team? Watts without Crick, Penn without Teller?”
    “Penn and Teller are magicians. Anyway, my parents were giving me hell for wasting my life so I decided to prove them wrong by going right to the source—the Tibetan Zen monks.”
    “You would. All right, skip the details, I have another question.”
    “Are you kidding? That should have counted for at least two. You have got to show me something in return.”
    “Here you go.” Nikky held up her foot and wiggled her big toe.
    He tickled her but she steadied quickly, holding her breasts captive. “ Welcher ,” he accused. “You promised me breasts.”
    “Second question,” she giggled, refusing to give an inch. “Tell me about the accident.”
    Ian rolled onto his back. They were thigh to thigh, their heads just touching on the pillow. It was a nice fit. “These aren’t questions, Nikky . This is an interrogation.”
    “Call it what you want. If I were you, I wouldn’t waste time though. It’s going to take eighteen more answers just to work your way through the rest of my fingers and toes.”
    Ian sighed. “I was doing a climb in the Alps. Nothing spectacular. I had been up much higher in the Himalayas. I was leading a small party of amateurs and we ran into some trouble, an unexpected snowstorm. I had to get them back down in a hurry. We came to this dangerous section, really big chance of avalanche. The safest thing was to let them all down ahead of me.
    “I was all set to follow when one of them panicked. He screamed and that’s when it happened. It was like a rumbling train, this whole world of white coming at us at a million miles an hour. I pushed them all to safety over a small crevasse but it was too late for me. It was either make a blind jump and take my chances or die on the spot.
    Nikky was turned on her side, riveted, elbow bent, head propped on her hand. She had forgotten all about covering her breasts. “So you jumped, right?”
    “Yep. Mostly I made it, though my bones were pretty well shot. I managed to use my last burst of energy

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