I'm All Yours
ten minutes into my ride to your studio . My manager said to make it look like I was a temperamental actor who had stood you up. Shit, that was the dumbest piece of advice someone’s given me , but it did protect my mom.”
    “And all that time you made me believe, everyone believe , that you were just an asshole.”
    “This was all k ind of shallow of me , don’t you think?”
    “Oh , Kyle, I was mean to you, the drink in your face, the photographers.”
    He shook his head. Evie couldn’t really be mean. He knew that now. “I deserved it.”
    “No , you didn’t. You must have been going through hell.”
    More than going through hell and facing it all alone. If only he’d had Evie in his life back then.
    “I was, but how were you to know what was happening to me ? So don’t go blaming yourself.”
    He pulled her in close to him. Glad to have her back in his arms, smelling her perfume, feeling her warmth penetrate into skin through his shirt. God, how he’d missed her while he’d been in Montana .
    “How’s your mom doing?”
    “She’s been depressed , but her attorney says she’ll probably be out in a year. She’s taken up art since she’s been in there . T hat’s why I thought the two of you would get on so well.”
    “I’m so sorry I had to find out like I did.”
    “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you , but I did plan to before I …”
    “Before you what ? ”
    “Shit, this whole weekend isn’t turning out like I planned.”
    “And how had you planned it?”
    “Romantic dinner at the lodge, musicians serenading us, me getting down on one knee and pulling out this.”
    Kyle walked over to  the kitch en countertop and picked up the red velvet box. He opened it up and showed it to her.
    “Evie Winters, would you be my wife?”
    Evie put both hands over her mouth as yet another tear ran down her cheek .
    “What ? Y ou don’t like it or what?”
    “Kyle, you’re never going to believe it , but this is the engagement ring I’ve had my heart set on since I was a little girl. I had a photo of it tucked inside … ”
“Your copy of The Secret Garden . O h , and you’ll find one of your rings is m issing. I had to take it so I got the correct size for this one. So is this a yes, no, maybe?”
    “It’s a yes.”
    Kyle pulled it out and placed it on Evie’s finger.
    “I think we should announce our engagement on your entertainment segment next week,” said Kyle. “I’ll come on as your guest.”
    “Yeah , and don’t go standing me up .”
    * ***
    Sadie wiped the tears from her eyes as her fir st perfect pairing couple moved around the floor for their first dance as husband and wife. Rachel made a stunning bride , and Mitchell, w ell, what else could she say other than he was downright handsome ?
    And what a wonderful day for a weddi ng. The sun had been out with not a cloud in the sky. Now it was setting on the horizon as the lights in the marquee grew brighter and other guests headed to the dance floor.
    Sadie felt her cell phone vibrating in her purse , which she’d placed by her leg when she’d been seated at the table. She dug it out and saw that it was Nadine.
    “Sadie, I know it’s your day off and you’re supposed to be enjoy ing a wedding , but I thought I should congratulate you. I know I’m often hard on you , but this time you’ve outdone yourself.”
    Sadie popped another one of the bacon - wrapped oysters into her mouth as she listened to Nadine.
    “I’ve just picked up a copy of one of those entertainment magazines , and did you know that Evie Winters and Kyle Daley are engaged?”
    She smile d. She already knew it. She and thousands of others had heard the news yesterday during Evie’s weekly entertainment report.
    “That’s wonderful news. I assume I’ll be attending another wedding.”
    “And how’s that one?”
    “Perfect, like the couple.”
    “I’ll let you get back to the festivities , and I’ll be stopping by on Monday to hear about your next

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