
Impact by Cassandra Carr

Book: Impact by Cassandra Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassandra Carr
Tags: Erótica
gonna map our route. We’re not leaving ’til tomorrow morning, so I can see you tonight.”
    Sitting down on the bed, he began to tug on his boots. Jessica felt her anger rising. She knew this was a test but she couldn’t help feeling used. “So I get nothing again?”
    “If you wanna do this BDSM stuff then you agree I control when you orgasm. That’s a pretty simple, common BDSM rule. If you can’t handle that then you shouldn’t be doin’ this.” He hadn’t so much as looked at her as he’d said the words and she wanted to throw something at him—preferably at his head. If he thought he could scare her or taunt her into giving up on this, he was sorely mistaken.
    “Oh I can handle it, all right. I can handle whatever you’ve got to dish out.” Her words dripped with sarcasm, but when he went stock-still she wondered if she’d gone too far. She leaned back but encountered the headboard behind her.
    He turned around slowly and stalked toward her like a panther on the prowl. She swallowed, but lifted her chin. She refused to let him gain any more power over her than he already had.
    Winding a section of her hair in his fist, he tugged until she sat upright. In a deceptively soft voice, he told her, “You shouldn’t have said that, babe. It sounded an awful lot like a threat. Or a challenge. You want me to show you how much I’ve got to dish out?” His eyes, so dark with menace and arousal they looked almost black, bore into hers. She didn’t dare move a muscle. “I’ll give you instructions later. I’d suggest you follow them or your bare ass’ll meet my belt tonight.” Releasing her hair, he walked to the end of the bed, picked up his shirt, tossed it on and walked out. Her breath came out in a whoosh of warm air. She’d just pulled the tiger’s tail.

Chapter Five
    Conner mulled over what had happened last night and again that morning while Brady mapped out their route to Anaheim. It tickled him that most people would just plug the city into their GPS and go, but not Brady—he loved to get out the maps and highlighters. Conner let him go while he sat back and drank coffee. It gave him time to consider whether he was making the dumbest mistake of his life giving Jessica any taste of BDSM.
    In retrospect he felt bad denying her orgasm, especially this morning, but if she truly wanted to learn how to be a sub she’d have to learn not only how to control her orgasms but how to orgasm on command. He knew many Doms who didn’t allow their subs to orgasm for days at a time during training, and he had no intention of that. Tonight he’d make sure she orgasmed plenty. For one thing, it would make the anal sex a lot easier to handle.
    Brady snapped his fingers in front of his face and Conner’s eyes refocused. “What?”
    “I said, what time you wanna leave tomorrow? It looks to be about a seven-hour drive if we stop a few times for food and gas.”
    Conner leaned his head back in the booth. “Shit. Eight o’clock okay?”
    “That should work. Just don’t stay up too late with your woman. I’ll drive, but you better stay awake at least part of the way to keep me company.”
    “I won’t stay up too late, Dad. You wanna go get the rental after we work out?”
    “Yep, then we can go over to the sponsor thing.”
    They worked out at the hotel and then took quick showers, heading to get the car before going over to the arena. At the rental car place, Conner asked for paper and a pen and, as Brady made arrangements, he wrote out what he wanted Jessica to do that night. He hoped she wouldn’t balk. He’d told her to shave her pussy bare for him. The thought of going down on her with her pussy newly shaved and all smooth and soft made his cock ache. He could practically feel every tine of the zipper in his Wranglers strangling the damn thing. He tucked the note in his pocket.
    They took the car to the arena and wandered inside to the sponsor event. Brady began to make the rounds while Conner

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