
Impact by Cassandra Carr Page A

Book: Impact by Cassandra Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassandra Carr
Tags: Erótica
grabbed a bottle of water and said hello to a few of the men gathered. The two Italian bull riding brothers motioned him toward their group and he moseyed over, figuring it was better than talking to more sponsors. Marco Durante would’ve won Rookie of the Year last year save for the injury he’d suffered, which had required him to miss over a month of competing. His brother Paolo was this season’s odds-on favorite for the title.
    They came from a rich Italian shipping family, Conner knew, and had gotten into bull riding in Europe to combat their boredom. A lot of the guys held it against them, but Conner figured to each his own.
    “Conner, how are you, friend?” Marco greeted him.
    “Good, Marco, how are you?”
    “I am good. I am telling Paolo not to let BoomBoom push him to side. Try to stay up and down.” Marco demonstrated with his hands and Conner smiled. Listening to these two talk was a trip. He turned to Paolo.
    “I rode BoomBoom last year. He’s a spinner and he spins at an angle.” Paolo looked a little confused, so Conner put out his arm to show him what he meant. “That’ll get your balance off from the start, but don’t let him get to you. Lean your spurs into him and make him straighten out.”
    Paolo nodded and smiled. “Thank you. I am learning slowly. The bulls here, they are different than in Europe.”
    “You’ll figure it out. You’re doing great so far,” Conner assured him.
    “Who did you draw?” Marco asked him.
    Conner took a long swig of water before answering. He’d need a lot more of these before the day was out. Man, Jess was givin’ him a workout. “Matterhorn.” The two brothers exchanged a look. Matterhorn was a rank, ornery bull. Conner needed a win and had chosen him deliberately. “Yeah, I know he’s tough,” he acknowledged. “But I need some high scores.”
    “Good luck, man,” Marco told him, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “See you later.” He and Paolo moved away and Brady joined him soon after.
    Conner chuckled. “Figured you’d show up right about now.”
    “I don’t like Marco.”
    “I know.”
    “Are you laughing at me?”
    “No, I just think you need to get over it.”
    “I don’t like the way he sniffs around women who are taken. How would you like it if it was Jessica?”
    The thought turned Conner’s stomach. “She can do whatever she wants to,” he replied evenly, trying not to let Brady bait him.
    “She sure as hell can’t and you know it. If you saw her all wrapped around some guy you’d race in there like a lunatic and there’d be bloodshed. Guaran-fuckin-teed.”
    Conner felt a weird tingling feeling crawling up his back and over his neck. “I haven’t claimed her,” he muttered.
    Brady snorted. “Maybe you haven’t… What’s the term you guys use…collared her? But you’ve claimed her, bud. Don’t kid yourself.” He looked around. “Let’s get out of here.”
    “I gotta find Jess and give her somethin’. I’ll meet you later.”
    “Uh-huh,” Brady answered, laughing. “I’ve got a pretty good idea of what you wanna give her. Go find your woman.”
    Conner flipped him off and went in search of the woman who he was afraid had become his woman.
    * * * * *
    Jessica read the note once she got a spare moment. “Is he kidding?” she asked, talking to air. She was glad there was no one in the small production room at the time. They would probably think she was crazy considering the instant blush Conner’s order had inspired. “How do you even do that to yourself?” She was loathe to disappoint him, though. She sighed. It wasn’t a big deal, she supposed. After all, it wasn’t as if things were a jungle down there right now. She kept her pubic hair trimmed, but she’d never considered shaving all of it off. She couldn’t even see all of it.
    Her sex warmed and clenched at the thought of the night to come. She knew he wanted to try anal sex, and though she was apprehensive, she had to admit the idea

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