In Defense of the Queen

In Defense of the Queen by Michelle Diener

Book: In Defense of the Queen by Michelle Diener Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Diener
Closet, and Parker heard his name murmured. But when the man stepped back out, he shook his head.
    “His Majesty is busy, he can see no one.”
    Parker wanted to push them aside and walk in, anyway. But after his unthinking comment the night before, he was not as sure of his welcome as he usually would be.
    “This is urgent.”
    The guard hesitated, but he had delivered urgent messages from Parker before, and eventually the man stepped back in. He heard the King’s voice, sharp and annoyed, and the guard had a deep flush on his cheeks when he appeared at the door.
    “Aye. Proceed.” He stepped aside for Parker to enter.
    “Your Majesty.” Parker bowed in the doorway, and waited for Henry to invite him in.
    The King looked up from his papers and gave a nod, and Parker stepped inside. The door closed behind him.
    Francis Bryan stood beside the King, freshly returned from some diplomatic mission abroad. Parker had missed seeing him these last few months.
    Henry didn’t send Bryan out, and Parker knew he was being punished for last night’s blunders. Being denied a private audience.
    Bryan looked between them, uncomfortable. There were dark rings under his eyes, and his hands shook, the tip of a quill fluttering between his fingers.
    “My betrothed was arrested from the Queen’s chambers this morning and taken to the Tower.” Parker did not let the anger that flared up just saying the words show on his face.
    Henry let his quill fall. “Wolsey?”
    From the corner of his eye, he saw Bryan’s head jerk at the news.
    Parker nodded.
    “I didn’t authorise it.” Henry spoke slowly, a frown creasing his forehead.
    “I know.” Parker flexed his hands. “Will you authorise her release?”
    Henry leaned back in his chair, and pressed the tips of his fingers together. “I cannot ignore Wolsey’s accusations. If Mistress Horenbout is innocent of the charges my Lord Chancellor has made against her, she will be released soon enough.”
    “You know why he’s done this.” Parker kept the fury from his voice with an effort of will. “She was acting for you when she made Wolsey her enemy. Risked her life in your service.” Parker took a step towards the King, and Henry shifted in his chair. Scraped it back and walked to the window, looking out at the river.
    Parker took a deep breath, relaxed his shoulders. It would help no one if he were to anger the King.
    He let his gaze move to Bryan, and saw he was staring at him, mouth slightly open. “What is the charge?” He spoke softly, just out of the King’s hearing.
    “Treason.” Parker looked directly into Bryan’s eyes as he spoke. He’d saved Bryan from a charge of treason not too long ago, and if anyone understood the fear and powerlessness that came with such an accusation, it should be him.
    Bryan looked away and would not meet Parker’s eyes again.
    “So that’s the way of it?” Parker murmured.
    A flush crept up Bryan’s face, but he still would not look at Parker.
    He would keep the King’s favour, no matter who he must shake off to do so. No matter what he owed those he abandoned.
    Parker wondered how Bryan would treat his sister, now Elizabeth Carew was no longer the King’s mistress.
    “Where is she kept in the Tower?” Henry turned from the window.
    “Her Majesty bade the Captain take her to the Lieutenant’s Lodgings.”
    “The Queen was present?” Henry’s attention sharpened, and for the first time he looked worried.
    “She was.”
    “When you said your lady was taken from the Queen’s Chambers, I did not realize . . .” Henry’s eyes narrowed. “What was your lady doing there?”
    “She was presenting the Queen with a small portrait of your daughter, Your Majesty.”
    Henry cocked his head to one side. “I must see it. I didn’t know the Queen had commissioned such a work. And it reminds me. Last night I asked Mistress Horenbout to paint my son, Fitzroy.” Henry slid back behind his desk and picked up his quill. “I will

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