Inception (The Reaping Chronicles, 1)

Inception (The Reaping Chronicles, 1) by Teal Haviland Page B

Book: Inception (The Reaping Chronicles, 1) by Teal Haviland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teal Haviland
the stairs to finish eating.
    Two months ago, Gabrielle was amused by the way the teenage girls were acting about boys. Now, she was one of them. The way she thought about things had changed so much since coming here, and she wondered what other changes awaited her in the time she had left.
    Gabrielle looked at the time again—six thirty-five.
    Time to go.
    There was no need to wait around.
    She maneuvered her car through the morning congestion as though she’d been driving for years. This was one thing she always allowed her angelic abilities to take over and control. There’s no reason to risk an accident because of her lack of driving experience.
    The closer she came to the school, the more unsettled Gabrielle became, feeling unwanted company was present on campus. She’d only seen Mara, but she only realized she was a demon once she saw her eyes. Gabrielle sensed the Fallen were there even more when she pulled into the school’s parking lot, feeling the heaviness associated with them settling on her. Her discernment was terribly off. More than she counted on even though Amaziah had warned her, which concerned her more than she wanted to admit. She had to pay more attention today. The thought had crossed her mind that she may need to lift the Aegis Veil, but Amaziah would know immediately and yank her back to Heaven. Then, she had another idea and scolded herself for not thinking of it sooner.
    Phalen would be more than happy to help her, and Gabrielle would love to have her company. Phalen would be able to see how many demons were in and near the school since her Divine discernment wouldn’t be hindered the way hers was. Her presence wasn’t nearly as attractive to the Fallen; they weren’t gunning for Phalen’s death like they were Gabrielle’s.
    I’ll request Phalen’s assistance when I see Amaziah today.
    Gabrielle picked pretty much the same spot as the day before, put the car in park, lowered the windows, and turned the engine off. The morning wasn’t as warm as yesterday. Swollen clouds, full of rain, hung low and ominous in the sky. She heard a rumble of thunder in the distance and felt something that made her heart jump. The same fluttery feeling in her stomach she’d had the day before returned.
    Gabrielle closed her eyes and concentrated, releasing the Veil just a little, worried if she let it drop completely the Fallen would recognize her. She was beginning to feel like they would be around every corner she turned, behind every face she looked into.
    Just as I thought … Lucas.
    She smiled, knowing he was approaching her car and she would soon see him. Gabrielle replaced the Veil and opened her eyes.
    He was there.
    “Good morning, sunshine!” Gabrielle said to Lucas as he took the last couple of steps to her passenger door.
    “Good morning back.” Lucas leaned down, resting his forearms on the door and smiling that amazing smile. “I thought it would be safer to approach your car from the passenger side from now on. Less opportunity for you to execute my demise.”
    “If I wanted to put you on a path for certain death, Lucas, I would find a much more creative way of doing it, I assure you.” Gabrielle smiled and hoped she didn’t sound too convincing. Just as she was about to try to say something witty, the clouds gave up their attempt to harness the rain, unleashing them in a sudden torrent.
    “ Whoa! ” Lucas yelled and laughed.
    “Get in, Lucas!”
    Gabrielle turned the engine on and raised her windows as Lucas scrambled to get in the car.
    Once his door was closed and he was settled, he cut his eyes at her playfully. “So, did you decide drowning me would be more fun today?” Lucas shot her a huge smile, running his hand through his now dampened hair. His eyes glistened from his burst of laughter, and Gabrielle thought it made them look even more brilliantly blue.
    “Oh, just thinking back to how you told me you don’t take a shower before you come to school because of

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