Justice Is Always Ready (A Graham Family Story, 1)
feel it here,” she
clutched her arms around her waist, “I feel it here… there is something
seriously wrong. And I hate, hate it that they’re keeping me in the dark about
    Still no words from him but the
compassion leeching from his unwavering stare warmed
    “ I must be such a
disappointment to them both,” she cried, stumbling as her legs no
longer seemed capable of holding her.
    “ Enough!”
    The harshness of his tone combined
with the hold he had on her snagged her immediate attention.
Wide-eyed, she stared at him. His touch gentled but his expression
stayed set and angry.
    “ I will willingly sit
there and listen to you talk about how unfair it is they’re keeping
the status of her illness from you.” One hand gripped her chin,
holding her immobile. “But I’ll be damned if I idly sit there and let
you say such things about yourself.”
    She worried her lower lip and gazed at
him. The line of his jaw bespoke so much stubbornness; she knew he
meant every word he’d uttered.
    “ I just… sometimes I feel
like I disappointed dad by being a daughter, not a son.”
    He took a deep breath and placed her
on the bed before kneeling and removing her heels, one at a time.
The rough pads of his fingertips tantalized her skin and she felt
herself begin to respond.
    “ Beautiful, I just met
your parents and all I heard was them singing your praises. They
may be hiding your mom’s illness, but I have no doubt you are not
even close to a disappointment to them. They love you.” His hands
moved up to her knees. “And they are so proud of you.”
    He leaned in close and she met his
mouth with her searching one. Looping her arms tight around his
neck, she pulled until his strong body covered hers and pushed her
deeper into the mattress. She let his caresses take her mind off
everything but him. Kassidy gasped as he filled her, she wrapped
her legs around him and writhed beneath him. Nothing else mattered
right now aside from their bodies being one.
    Kassidy awoke alone. With a yawn, she
rolled to stare at the green digital readout from her clock.
Four-seventeen. Too early for the alarm to have gone off, so what
had woken her from a most satisfying slumber? The pillow still
smelled of Justice and she sat up slowly searching for a light on,
indicating where he may be. There was nothing.
    A loud crack of thunder
shook the house and she jumped. Now I know
what woke me. Climbing from the bed, she
strode naked to her bureau and withdrew a shirt to cover her. In
the hall, she flicked on a light and moved to the living room. She
found Libby in her normal spot on the couch. The poodle opened her
eyes only to shut them when she determined whatever had woken her
owner wasn’t worthy of getting off the sofa. Kassidy rolled her
eyes and continued on.
    On the kitchen table, which had been
bare, sat a piece of paper. Flipping on the recessed lights, she
moved to the oak table and picked it up.
    My beautiful
    I hated to leave you lying
there in your bed.
    But I had to be in to work
by 0500.
    Have a wonderful day and I
can’t wait until I get to see you again.
    * * * *
    She held the note to her lips and
inhaled sharply, craving the scent of him in her nose. It was faint
so she turned off the light and headed back to bed, note in hand.
She buried her face in the pillow and immersed herself in the
masculine aroma of Justice Graham.
    Her alarm went off at six and she
stirred, then reached out to shut it off. With a sigh, she rolled
out of bed and let Libby out. While Libby was out, she fixed her
food and while Libby ate, Kassidy showered and got ready for her
    By nine she and Libby were heading to
the library. The thunder from earlier had become a downpour and she
sighed as her wipers strove to keep the windshield clear. At a
stoplight she gazed in the rearview and saw Libby lying on the
seat, not worried about anything.
    I want to be a dog in my
next life.
    The rain hadn’t let up

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