Justice Is Always Ready (A Graham Family Story, 1)
any when she
arrived at the library. She sat in her car, hoping for it to
lessen. Ten minutes later she gave in and realized it wasn’t going
to happen.
    “ Looks like we’re going to
get wet, Libs. Come on, let’s get going.”
    Reaching behind her, she hooked a tab
to Libby’s collar. Then grabbed her umbrella and opened the door.
Out in the rain, she and Libby ran for the door. Once inside, she
shook off the excess rain from the umbrella while Libby mimicked
her action.
    By two the weather had gotten worse.
Her group had been downsized from ten to one. Drew Perion. The
young boy sat with his dark curly head bent as he thumbed through a
Dr. Seuss book.
    Crouching down by him, she ruffled his
hair. “Hey, Drew, looks like it’s just you n’ me today. Ready to
    His big brown gaze met hers and the
grin he gave showcased his dimple. “Yes, ma’am.”
    Sitting beside him, she directed Libs
to lie on the other side. The books before them, Kassidy pointed
and asked, “Which one would you like to read?”
    His small hand selected his choice and
he got ready while she stacked the remaining ones. Then she sat
back at his side and listened as he began to read. When their time
was up, the rain still fell in a deluge. Drew sat on a large pillow
with Sari beside him, totally enthralled by the dragon story being
read to her. Libby lay sleeping at the foot of the large
    “ She’s doing really well,
    Kassidy glanced at the man beside her,
his face sad and concerned even as he tried for a smile. Rings of
exhaustion were evident.
    “ I’m glad one of us
    Reaching out a hand, she placed it on
his arm and squeezed. It hadn’t even been six months since his wife
passed. “Why don’t you let me keep Sari for the night, Arlen. Go
home and sleep.”
    He placed his brown gaze on her. “I
don’t want to impose.”
    She scowled. “Don’t be ridiculous. You
know I’d do anything to help y’all out. She was my friend too.”
Dipping her head so eye contact was maintained, she added, “You’ve
not allowed yourself a chance to grieve, always putting Sari’s
needs ahead of your own. Like a good father. But let me help.
Grieve for your wife, Arlen. And if you want to join us for supper
do so. Just allow yourself some time just for you.”
    In the depths of his gaze she could
see the need.
    “ Are you sure?”
    Turning to look at Sari, she said,
“Sari, you’re going to spend the day with Libs n’ me,
    Her head popped up, big eyes wide.
“Can we make cookies?”
    “ I think that would be a
great idea.”
    Sari beamed. “Have fun at work,
daddy.” She ran to him and Kassidy let go of Arlen’s arm so he
could pick her up.
    “ Bye, precious. You be
good for Kassidy.”
    “ Okay. Love you,
    The way he held his daughter made
Kassidy’s heart lurch. His gaze met hers and he mouthed his thanks.
All she could do was nod.
    Arlen kissed her cheek before he left.
“Thanks, Kas.”
    “ You never have to thank
me. Call if you want me to keep her overnight.”
    He reached for her hand and squeezed
it tight. They shared a look before he took his leave after saying
a final farewell to Sari.
    Not much later, Drew’s mom came to get
him and it was just her, Sari, and Libby in the reading corner.
Sari continued to look at books while she straightened

Chapter Eight
    Justice fought to control the jealousy
that coursed through him at the sight of Kassidy holding hands with
another male. The affection between them was blatantly obvious. As
was her love for the little girl the man left when he finally
    The child climbed up on the pillow
near the boy and continued to read, even after the boy was
retrieved by a woman he assumed to be the mother. He moved closer
when Kassidy began picking up. Libby lifted her head but remained
where she was beside the girl.
    “ Hello,
    Her jerk was slight but there.
However, there was nothing but a smile on her face when she

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