Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series)

Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) by Robin Keahey Page A

Book: Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) by Robin Keahey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Keahey
together. I didn’t even recognize
myself in the mirror anymore. My parents knew something was up by the end of
the week and began to ask if I was okay. I kept assuring them I was just tired
or that I had too much homework. I didn’t want them to know that Seth was the
real reason. I kept hoping he’d snap out of it and go back to the sweet Seth he
once was.
    I made the mistake
of talking to a guy that was in my American Lit class. I had a question about
an upcoming test, and he had the highest grade in the class. It was completely
innocent, but not knowing better, he reached out and touched my arm. I pulled
away as fast as I could, but it was too late. Seth had already seen it.
     When the guy walked
away, Seth pulled me into a classroom that had a few students in it. He got in
my face, accusing me of flirting and doing other things behind his back. I
pleaded with him to calm down, and tried to assure him that I would never do
any of those things, but it only made him angrier. Without warning, he shoved
me into a nearby table causing my back to hit the corner hard. It knocked the
wind out of me, and I crumpled to the floor gasping for air. I glanced up as
Hallie ran into the room.
    “Get away from her,”
she screamed at Seth and crouched down next to me. He stared at us for a second
before stomping out of the room.
    “Hey, let’s get you
to the bathroom,” she murmured, helping me to my feet.
     Once safely inside
the bathroom and away from prying eyes, she gently pulled my shirt up high on
my back. She gasped at what she saw. “Pull it all the way off,” she demanded.
     I slowly tugged my
shirt over my head as tears streamed down both of our faces. She shook her head
when she noticed another lighter bruise on my shoulder. It was from Seth
pushing me into a brick wall because I’d worn a shirt he thought was too tight.
     “Why didn’t you
tell me he was doing this? You have got to get away from him,” she said, as she
helped me put my shirt back on.
         “Please, Hallie,
don’t tell anyone. He’s not always like that. I just have to be more careful
about what I say and do.”
      “How can you still
love him?”
     I shrugged. “I love
the Seth I used to know, and I’m waiting for him to come back,” I said, trying
to believe my own words.
     She shook her head.
“I think this is the real Seth. All that in the beginning was just an act.”
    She pulled me into
her arms for a gentle hug. I made her swear that she would keep this a secret
and reluctantly, she agreed. She walked me to my next class, giving me a sad smile
as she walked away to hers.
    Seth was waiting on
me at his jeep after school with another apology and an “I love you”. He drove
me home and reminded me of the New Year’s party at JT’s house that night. He
informed me that he would pick me up at eight. He kissed me, and I went into
the house with my usual fake smile plastered on my face.

Chapter Eight
    JT was having a huge
New Year’s party at his house and a ton of people were invited. His parents let
him do whatever he wanted, so I knew there would be alcohol available and no
adult supervision. I didn’t want to go but knew Seth would be seriously angry
if I blew it off. I told Mom that I wouldn’t be home until 1 am and after some
discussion with Dad, they gave me permission to go. I was a senior now and had
never given them a reason not to trust me, or so they thought. They knew JT’s
parents and were fooled like most other adults and thought they were
responsible parents. I didn’t tell them any different. They made sure I had my
phone and when Seth arrived at eight, Dad sat him down for a long conversation.
Once again, he worked his magic and had my parents believing he was a great
     I almost snorted
when he said, “She’ll be safe with me, Mr. Crane.”
         The word
safe and Seth do not belong in the same sentence . I knew I should break up
with him. I didn’t love him anymore, but I was scared

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