Hell's Revenge
My juices dribbled on his rod, lubing his way. Personally, I didn’t think it was going to fit and I really wasn’t sure I liked it.
    “Relax,” Auric murmured.
    “You try to relax with a battering ram being shoved in your ass,” I growled.
    “Push out,” David grunted.
    I didn’t understand what he meant. Wasn’t trying to push him out counterproductive?
    But given the discomfort, I was game to putting a stop to it. I pushed out and the bastard slid in. I yelped, my ass suddenly full of cock.

    “Oh fuck,” David groaned not moving. “Hurry up, Auric. I am not going to last long.”
    I wanted to tell Auric to forget about shoving his fat cock into my pussy. Seriously, I had no room left, but he proved me wrong before I could open my mouth. Auric sheathed himself into me and at the full sensation, I screamed, my channel clenching with spasms.
    I kept yelling happy sounds as my men began to plow me, David in, Auric out, and vice versa. It blew me away how good it felt. How quickly and hard it ramped up my pleasure. Even more astonishing, my body rippled in orgasm and wouldn’t stop.
    Faster and faster, they plunged into me, losing their alternating rhythm to fuck me in cadence. My body tightened so rigidly, I expected it shatter. As it was, I burst apart at the blissful seams as they thrust into me and filled me with their cocks and then with their essence. I saw stars, billions of them
    When I regained consciousness, I found myself on the bed, snuggled between them.
    “Are you okay?” Auric asked, his voice laced with concern.
    “Holy fuck,” I managed to say still overwhelmed. “Remind me to send you to Nefertiti more often for tips. That fucking rocked.” And it rocked again the second time too after our shower for foreplay where they showed me a new oral technique. Lucky me.

Chapter Four
    The following morning found me sore, but not unpleasantly so. What do you know, I’d survived and I grudgingly admitted Nefertiti hadn’t been kidding when she said the magic from a sandwich proved more potent. I fairly burst with power. And the method?
    Wickedly pleasurable.
    Drinking a cup of coffee, decaffeinated because it was better for the baby Auric informed me, I munched on my toast slathered in Nutella while reading the newspaper.
    Okay, I lied. I perused the latest copy of Cosmopolitan . An evil magazine, partly owned by my father. I loved to curse out the skinny bitches who modeled for them.
    My dad’s cologne, Eau of Brimstone, wafted in as David answered a knock at our loft door. I almost fell off my chair. Dad usually preferred to just pop in and surprise the fuck out of us.
    “Don’t tell me Hell froze over again,” I said, shocked he’d actually come through the door.
    “Nonsense. I’m just respecting your right to privacy like you asked.” I glared. “Who are you and what have you done with my dad?” My father chuckled “Expect the unexpected. It’s my new motto. And how’s my darling daughter this morning?” He beamed as he presented me with a present he pulled out of thin air. It was all about showmanship, my father had once related to me. Having powers was fine and dandy, it was how you used them that impressed people.
    I eyed the large package for only a second before tearing the pink paper and bow off to reveal a, I read the label, breast pump.
    “What the heck is this for?” I exclaimed as I went cross-eyed looking at the medieval contraption that seemed to promise pain to my poor boobies.
    “I’ve been reading up on this and you know, the doctors all seem to agree that breast feeding is the best form of nutrition for a baby. I thought a breast pump would be a way you could provide the best for the child while still maintaining some of your freedom.” My father smiled even wider.
    I choked and Auric, his eyes suspiciously bright, hurried around to the back of me to rub my back while David turned around, his shoulders shaking suspiciously. “You were reading up on babies?”

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