Let Loose the Dogs

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Book: Let Loose the Dogs by Maureen Jennings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maureen Jennings
able to talk properly. Time vanished, and they were once again staring at each other across the kitchen table. Involuntarily, he steeled himself for the next move: Harry grabbing him by the front of his shirt and lifting him out of his seat. Unexpectedly, however, his father’s expression softened, and his body slumped down in the chair.
    “I’m sorry, Will. We’re not getting off on the right foot. I want you to know I’m not the same fellow I used to be. I haven’t had a drop to drink since August. The world looks different when you’re sober. If I could live my life all over again, believe me I would and liquor would have no part in it.”
    Murdoch stared back at him. It was still a stranger’s face, puffy, unhealthy-looking skin. Only the brown eyes, which he had inherited, seemed the same.
    “You haven’t yet said how I can help you.”
    Harry turned to studying the bowl of the little pipe, and he tamped down the tobacco with the end of the match. “I must admit I didn’t know till now that you were a police officer. I thought you were a lumberjack. I sent off a letter. Thought maybe you could hire somebody to investigate for me, but this is even better.”
    “Need I point out that as far as the law is concerned, the case is closed. Shut. You’ve been convicted.”
    “I didn’t do it. I swear.”
    “It’s quite possible you just don’t remember. You hit him in a drunken rage, and now you’ve forgotten. That’s happened before.”
    Harry flinched as if he had been struck. “I know, Will. I know that it did, and I’d give my right arm if I could undo it but I can’t. But I don’t want to hang for a crime I didn’t commit.”
    Murdoch shrugged. “There isn’t anything I can do.”
    “Yes, there is. You’re a detective. Talk to people again. The police had their minds made up I was guilty, and they didn’t do much investigating. Somebody killed the man, but it wasn’t me, I swear.” Harry met his eyes. “You’re the only hope I’ve got. No matter what’s gone down between us, you are my flesh and blood. You can’t deny me that.” He moved his hand as if he would touch Murdoch’s but stopped. “You know I’m a man don’t beg easily, Will, and I’m begging you. Don’t turn your back on me out of spite.”
    The door opened and Barker came in. “It’s time for the exercise yard.”
    “Can’t I go later?”
    “You know you can’t.”
    “I’ll skip it then.”
    “No, you can’t do that either.”
    “I’ll come back later,” said Murdoch.
    Harry nodded. “Not too much later. I’ve learned the clocks run differently when you’re in jail. An hour can seem like a week.” He held up the pouch. “Can I hold on to this?”
    Murdoch shrugged. “If you want to.”
    “Let’s get a move on,” said Barker, and he ushered Harry out. Agitated, Murdoch pushed back his chair, drumming his fingers on the scarred table. This was not what he had expected. He had imagined an encounter with his father many times, but not like this. Not with this soft-voiced, defeated man. A man who seemed sincere. A reformed man. Murdoch put his head in his hands. Somewhere at the back of his mind, he was disappointed. He wanted to go on hating him.

Chapter Fourteen
    T YLER MUST HAVE BEEN WATCHING through the other window because he came into the room immediately. “Visit go all right then?”
    Murdoch looked up at him, willing himself not to take out his anger on the man.
    “It depends on what you mean by all right. I didn’t hit him, or he me. I suppose that means it was all right.”
    The guard whistled through his teeth. “Like that, is it?”
    Murdoch got to his feet. “Do you think I could talk to the warden?”
    “He wants to. Told me so personally. He’s put off his inspection of the cells on your account.”
    His tone was enigmatic, and Murdoch couldn’t tell if Tyler thought this was a reason for respect or resentment. He decided that in the guard’s eyes, this deviation from Warden

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