Louisa Revealed

Louisa Revealed by Maggie Ryan

Book: Louisa Revealed by Maggie Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Ryan
Again Molly nodded, and was soon
unlacing Lucy’s corset after the woman had removed her blouse and skirt.   She quickly helped Lucy step into
several petticoats and tied each around the girl’s slim waist.   She held out a fresh chemise and then
replaced the corset, drawing on the laces until Lucy panted that it was tight
enough.   A corset cover followed,
and then the gown was pulled over her head.   Lucy tried to remain still, as she sat
on her chair and allowed Molly to remove her black stockings and replace them
with thin, white ones suitable for evening wear.   As Molly tied the silk blue bows to hold
the stockings in place, she wondered again at the discipline her friend had
endured, as Lucy moaned deeply as she lifted each leg for easier access in
fastening the ribbons.   Molly
quickly released Lucy’s hair from its braid, and spent several minutes brushing
out the tangles before fastening a blue ribbon to hold the heavy length out of
Lucy’s face.   The last item was to
slip the blue slippers on Lucy’s feet, and finally Molly stood.   “There, you look beautiful, Miss
    Lucy smiled and said, “Thank you Molly.”   Molly gathered up the discarded clothing
and prepared to leave the room.   “Ummm, Molly?” Lucy said quietly and the girl turned to face her with a
questioning look on her face.
    “Yes Miss?”
    “What… what is above my room?   I thought I heard something.”   Molly looked up towards the ceiling and
then back to her mistress.  
    “I don’t hear anything, Miss.   The attics are at the top of the house;
perhaps a small animal has gotten inside.   Is there anything else, Miss?”   Lucy shook her head and Molly quickly left the room.   Lucy followed her, and made her way
downstairs dreading having to face Edward again.   As she entered the dining room, it was
to see Edward holding out a chair for her sister.   Lucy saw Louisa wince a bit as she took
her seat, but heard her thank him and lift her face to accept a quick kiss from
her husband as he pushed her chair to the table.
    “Ah, there you are Lucille,” he said, even as he
moved around the table and pulled out a chair for his ward, directly across
from his wife.   Lucy remained silent
as she took her seat and placed her napkin in her lap.   Edward seated himself, and picking up a
small bell, gave it a short shake, signaling that they were ready for dinner to
be served.   As the kitchen maids
brought in the bowls of soup, he turned to Lucy.   “How was your tutoring session Lucille?   Was Professor Lloyds able to teach you
anything?   It must have been very
uncomfortable sitting on your welted bottom.”   Lucy thought of the session, remembering
both the patience and kindness of her teacher.  
    “Yes Edward, he was wonderful.   He explained several formulas for me and
has given me lessons to study.”   Edward’s eyebrow lifted at her words.   He found himself wondering at the
meaning of her answer but was pleased to hear she had been given additional
    “Yes, I understand that he also allowed you to
sit upon a pillow.”   Lucy knew
immediately that the horrible housekeeper had seen fit to tattle on her.  
    “Edward, I wish to speak to you about your
housekeeper.   She… ”
    “I’m not through talking, Lucille, and you will
not interrupt me, young lady!”  
    Lucy’s eyes flew to her sister’s and though
Louisa didn’t speak, there was a warning to be seen in her eyes.   Lucy looked back at Edward and slowly
nodded.   “I’m sorry, Sir.   I… I didn’t mean to interrupt.   It’s just tha.… ”
    “And yet you are still speaking.   Be quiet and simply listen, unless you
want me to turn you over my knee!”   Her face was priceless.   Her
eyes widened and a deep flush stained her cheeks.   Her mouth opened again and yet, she
slowly closed it at his look, and nodded again.  
    “Much better.   I do not permit comfort after a
punishment, Lucille.   Sitting on

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