Love Discovered in New York (The Washington Triplets)

Love Discovered in New York (The Washington Triplets) by Danielle Allen Page A

Book: Love Discovered in New York (The Washington Triplets) by Danielle Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Allen
Tags: Love Discovered in New York
minutes discussing the ‘Stay Gold’ tattoo that I wanted on my right shoulder blade. After designing it to my specifications, I prepared myself for the tattoo. Colton kept me laughing the entire time with stories about his friends and family. He talked about his family with so much love and affection that I couldn’t help but think about my family and how strained we’d become. The small tattoo took less time for him to actually ink on me than it did for me to explain what I wanted him to do.
    “My dad is going to flip his shit when I tell him I tatted ‘Stay Gold’ on someone. The Outsiders is one of his favorites.” Colton chuckled as he admired his handiwork. He rubbed ointment on the tattoo and then covered it loosely with gauze. “You can flip over now.”
    I took my shirt out of his hand and pulled it over my head. He helped me pull it down in the back so it didn’t disrupt the gauze. Once he pulled me to my feet, I asked, “Are you going to tell him you tattooed a woman on a date?”
    He smirked as he watched me pull my hair into a high ponytail. “I’m not telling him that because I’m not dating right now,” he said, mimicking me.
    I rolled my eyes and laughed. “I don’t know why I agreed to hang out with you today,” I growled playfully.
    Colton tugged my ponytail forcing my head to tip upward and stared at me for a second. “Yes you do,” he whispered before his mouth covered mine. When his tongue met mine, I moaned in response.
    Completely addicted, I thought as I pushed his shirt upward to expose his hard body.

AFTER SENDING AN EMAIL TO my sisters that simply said ‘no,’ I walked into the Berry Street Pool Hall with a renewed energy. I’d seen Colton almost every day since our tattoo date where we christened his new office and then had dinner at an African-Asian-American fusion restaurant. At the end of that date, I had him drop me off at Duke & Duchess so I could talk to Kelsey. He walked me to the door and wrapped me in his arms, threatening to not let me go until I gave him my number.
    For the nine days after Colton gave me my tattoo, I inadvertently allowed myself to fall into a routine with him. If I had to work, I’d go to Inkwell to have lunch with him at a food cart or local restaurant. The three nights I didn’t have to work, we hung out at the movies, at a sports bar, and at a concert. All three nights ended with us having heart-pounding, hard-hitting, mind-blowing sex in his office or in his car. I didn’t have the nerve to go back to his apartment. Colton Davis was the best sex I’d ever had and I didn’t want to get caught up like I did our first night together.
    Wearing a pair of tight black jeans and a gray off-the-shoulder top, I glanced at myself in the mirror behind the bar as I walked toward the back corner. I immediately saw Kelsey in jeans and corset styled top, standing next to a table.
    “Hey, sorry I’m late,” I apologized, hugging her quickly. “Are they here already?”
    “No worries. And no, no one has shown up yet. We still have ten minutes. Do a shot with me?”
    I smiled at Kelsey. “You’re nervous. Don’t be. Tonight will be—”
    “Hey,” Phil interrupted, startling me. Standing on the other side of the table looking like a professional football player, Phil appeared to have been working out in the two years since he and Kelsey broke up.
    “Hi, Phil!” I chirped, smiling widely between Phil and Kelsey. “I’m going to go get some drinks. I’ll be back in a minute.”
    They are so cute, I thought as I walked toward the small bar.
    I was three steps away from my destination when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. Turning quickly, I snatched my arm out of the grasp and balled my hand into a fist. When I realized it was Colton, I immediately broke into a smile and punched him anyway.
    “If I didn’t realize it was you, you would’ve gotten punched a lot harder and in the face.” I greeted him with a smile.
    “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I

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