Matronly Duties

Matronly Duties by Melissa Kendall Page A

Book: Matronly Duties by Melissa Kendall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Kendall
something I need to tell you before we go back out there.”
    The scowl on his face has me concerned. “What is it?”
    “I wanted you to know . . .” He runs his hands through his hair, tugging on it.
    “I . . . I had a really wonderful time with you today.” A giant smile graces his features, making him look beautiful.
    “I did, too.”
    He kisses me quickly and then we push through the doors.
    When the lights of the city meet my eyes, I am momentarily blinded—and a little sad that I will be returning to my life of duty.
    Yet, as I walk amongst the deteriorated buildings of the outskirts, I realise I may be able to help the people who live here when I do return. We are about halfway to the Jameses’ when a loud boom echoes from behind me. I whirl around to see what happened, but Howard yells, “Get down.”
    He throws his body over mine like a protective barrier and we tumble to the ground. “Are you okay?”
    I nod, too scared to speak. Looking around, dozens of armed men are approaching from all sides. There’s no way we can fight them off.
    Howard pulls me to my feet, and I wonder what his plan is. “When I tell you to,” he whispers in my ear, “run.”
    I’m about to tell him I’m not leaving him when he steps away from me and yells.
    I don’t even have a chance to move before the men surround him and he is writhing on the ground in agony, electricity from a Taser coursing through him.
    I scream as strong arms grab me from behind. My fight-or-flight response kicks in, and I try to wriggle free. “Help!”
    “It’s okay, Ms Greene,” a familiar voice says. “You’re safe now.”
    “George?” I stop moving, hoping I’m not making a mistake.
    “Yes, Ma’am.” He lets me go, and I turn to face him.
    “What’s going on?”
    “We are rescuing you, Ma’am, from the terrorist.”
    “Howard’s not a terrorist! He rescued me from my kidnappers.” I turn to where Howard is on the ground, still screaming in agony. “Stop it! You’re hurting him.”
    “Ms Greene,” George says, getting my attention. “Howard James is the leader of the Trads. He’s the one who organised your abduction.”
    “No, you’re wrong, he had nothing to do with that. He wasn’t even there. You were there. He rescued me from those vile men.”
    “Ma’am, it was all a cleverly crafted ruse.”
    “No, you’re wrong!” I run towards Howard, needing to help him.
    Someone grabs me from behind and lifts me off the ground. I kick and scream trying to free myself, but the strong arms hold tight.
    “She’s obviously in shock,” says a voice I don’t recognise. “We need to get her back to MITI and have her checked out.”
    “No! Let me go. I’m fine. You don’t understand.” Try as I might to loosen his hold, I can’t. “Howard!”
    I don’t even realise we are moving until suddenly we are in front of some kind of weird-looking cart with no windows. The person holding me shoves me inside and shuts the door, leaving me in the dark.
    With nothing else I can do, I curl up on the floor and cry.

    Chapter 6
    Four hundred and forty-eight.
    I sigh loudly and close my eyes after counting the ceiling tiles for a second time. It’s been almost two hours since we arrived at MITI, and they brought me to the infirmary, locking me in this exam room. George has stood guard the entire time, and after multiple failed attempts to engage him in conversation, I’ve been sitting here trying to keep myself occupied.
    My thoughts wander to Howard. I hope he is okay. I also hope that they’re not treating him as abominably as they are me.
    A loud knock sounds at the door and I sit up, hoping that finally I’ll receive some answers.
    George hops up from his chair, checking to see who it is before letting them in. A man enters the room and I recognise him as one of the staff physicians who work exclusively for MITI. Following close behind is Headmistress Carpenter, a

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