Minot Hacker: Mystery Series (My Murder Mysteries #1)

Minot Hacker: Mystery Series (My Murder Mysteries #1) by H. B. Rae Page B

Book: Minot Hacker: Mystery Series (My Murder Mysteries #1) by H. B. Rae Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. B. Rae
out there, living his life, while the relatives of his victims were devastated, their lives turned upside down, all because of him.
    "Really?" said Miranda. "Where was he?"
    Miranda knew that Tammy hated talking or even hearing about Barry Scott, but she continued to speak about him. She did not care for Tammy much, perhaps because she was jealous of her amazing sleuthing abilities.
    "He was in the nearby shopping centre," replied Pam, "looking as happy as Larry, as always. He just makes me want to kill him!"
    "I'm sure he'll get his comeuppance one day," said Graham Mitchell.
    "He won't," Tammy replied. "He's too clever to be caught out."
    "People know who he is," Pam said to her, reassuringly.
    "But not enough people. This case had to be thrown out, even though he pretty much confessed to me that he was the killer, and that's what gets to me!" cried Tammy, beginning to get passionate.
    Nothing else was said on that topic. Instead, they started to talk about the job they were currently working on, in order to try and distract Tammy.
    "Anyway, does anyone fancy going out for a drink tonight?" said Pam.
    The others agreed to go before Tammy did. Perhaps a drink was one easy way to forget about her troubles, she thought.

    Chapter 2
    They arrived at the bar, immediately after work. They needed a drink, all of them, because the week they were having was rather stressful and tiring; nothing ever changed much, and they were all getting extremely bored of the same routine. Tammy just wanted something dramatic to happen, as it had in Paris. Although that was a rather morbid thought, she wanted something to challenge her brain, for she feared the lack of exercise was slowly killing it, eating away at it so that she would not be able to use it like she used to. Times were changing, and Tammy had to accept that. Things were never as simple as they used to be.
    As soon as Tammy entered the bar, she received the shock of her life when she noticed Barry Scott standing there! Time stood still at that moment, and Tammy's eyes widened. She just could not believe her luck. He was standing there with friends, laughing and joking, and there was nothing Tammy could do about that. Barry then noticed Tammy, and said to her, "Oh, hello, Tammy! How are you today!"
    He winked at her. That made her feel physically sick. She just wanted to turn round and vomit on the floor, but she knew she had to face up to him sooner or later, to try and show that he had not defeated her, even though he had. She hated him for that. Tammy then turned her head and saw another group of people. They were staring at her, making snide remarks. Tammy wondered why they would do something like that – she had never seen them before, or at least she thought. She came across many people in the job, so she did not know whether she had seen them before or not.
    The group got the drinks ordered and sat down in view of Barry.
    "We can't let him get to us!" cried Miranda.
    "How is that possible?" Tammy asked her, trying to resist the temptation to look in Barry's direction, to see if he was looking.
    "Well, we’ll just show him that we’re happy. That might make him upset."
    Tammy gave in to temptation. She turned around and, just as she felt, Barry was standing there, looking at her, as if he was waiting for her to turn round, knowing that she would. He winked at her for a second time, making her feel even more angry.
    "So, anything interesting happen to anyone lately?" said Pam, trying to start the conversation.
    Tammy turned her head slightly, but not in Barry's direction. Instead, she was looking at a woman in red clothing who stood sipping on a glass of red wine. She was eyeing Barry, and it was clear she was flirting with him, even though she did not speak a word to him. Tammy just felt like getting up and screaming, "Don't do it! Your life is at risk!" but she didn't. She knew that she could not accuse Barry Scott of murder because there was no official evidence implicating

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