Missing Pieces of My Forever-Heart

Missing Pieces of My Forever-Heart by Janet Grosshandler

Book: Missing Pieces of My Forever-Heart by Janet Grosshandler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Grosshandler
brown eyes again.  I couldn’t resist.  I didn’t want to resist.  I went back to love Jame.
    It was after 11 o’clock by the time we finally showered and got downstairs for coffee and breakfast.  I had thrown on my sweats and his shirt was half buttoned.  We were both barefoot fixing our coffee and cereal when I heard the front door open.
    “Mom! Hey, Mom! Surprise! I didn’t go to Boston after all.  The tickets didn’t work out so we thought we’d surprise you.  I smell coffee!”  Kaitlin rushed into the kitchen where Jame and I stood stunned and embarrassed.
    “Whoa, Mom!” Kaitlin looked us both over and yelled, “Hey Erin, get in here.”
    Erin walked into the room and burst out laughing.  “No wonder you didn’t mind Kait not coming home this weekend, Mom!  And we came to see you because you were so LONELY.”  
    “Girls, I uh…” I looked at Jame.
    “Hi Erin. Kaitlin.  Your Mom’s told me a lot about you.  Who’s who?” How could he be so calm when I was blushing from my toes up to the crown of my head?
    “I’m Erin and I’m the oldest. “ Erin reached and poured two more cups of coffee, one for Kait and one for herself.  She sat down at the kitchen table and watched Jame and me expectantly, still laughing.
    “So who are you ?”  Erin asked Jame straight out with a wide grin.  “And you have to know we are shocked, absolutely shocked that our mother has a boyfriend. Ha! Mom, you’ve been keeping a secret from us!”
    Kait sat down too, “Yeah sit down, Mr. Boyfriend and tell us all about yourself.”
    “Girls, please.  I didn’t know you were coming home…” I stammered.
    “That’s obvious, Mom.  So how long have you two been going out?” Erin asked.
    Jame laughed, “Since freshman year in high school.”
    “Are you kidding? Get out of here!” Kait screamed, “Mom, is this your high school boyfriend?  This is amazing!”
    “Yep, she is amazing,” Jame reached over and tousled my hair.
    “Stop it, all of you! Girls, I am so sorry…”
    “We’re kidding, Mom.  We think it’s great. And we’re happy you’re not lonely anymore!”  That was from Kait.
    “Are you living with my mom, Mr. High School Boyfriend?”  Erin grinned some more.
    “I’m Jame Patterson. I’m pleased to meet such funny young ladies who obviously love their mother very much and no, I’m not living here.  Your mom and I just got reacquainted after too many years apart.”
    Kait pulled the white box that still sat on the table over to her side.  “What’s this?”
    I grabbed it from her, closing the lid on tight, “Nothing, just high school stuff.”
    “Oh let’s see! Pictures of you guys in high school?”
    “No, just stuff, I’ll show you some other time.”  I took the box with me, calling over my shoulder, “and Jame was just leaving.”
    “Ok, I guess I am.  Nice meeting you girls.  Hope to see you again.”  Jame said as I reached back and pulled him into the living room.
    “Where’s your pile of his stuff?” I frantically look around afraid it was out in the open where Erin and Kait would have seen it coming in.
    “It’s all in your office and I’ll get it. Then I need to find my shoes since I guess I’m leaving.” Jame walked down the hall to my office.  I ran upstairs, shoved the box in the back of my closet and grabbed his shoes and socks from under my bed.
    He put on his shoes and said, “Come here, Cath.”
    “Because I want to kiss you goodbye and I don’t care that your daughters are in the kitchen. They expect us to kiss.  They’re happy for you.  Enjoy it!”  Then he thoroughly kissed me goodbye and started for the door.
    “Wait! Um, Jame, will you stay in touch? Will I see you again?” God, I felt foolish asking that.
    He took a few steps back to me, leaned down for another kiss and said, “You

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