My Forbidden Mentor

My Forbidden Mentor by Laura Mills

Book: My Forbidden Mentor by Laura Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Mills
that. Perhaps it was for the better, he thought, not to start anything at all, but it wasn’t that simple for him. He’d already had a taste of her and he wanted more. Her obvious innocence required more time so he decided to give her that time, the length of time for training, and then there would no longer be the issue of professionalism standing in the way. He would have his choice of women to keep him otherwise occupied during that time if he wished. “That’s fine, we’re in agreement,” he responded and turning toward her he added out of daring interest, “Is there someone else?”
    How utterly bold, she thought. That had nothing to do with what she was talking about. Her gaze was direct with his. “Can’t you agree without concerning yourself with matters that are none of your business?” she asked, perturbed.
    He cast a fixed look in her direction as the idea of another man showing her the art of lovemaking irritated him, which was what propelled him to ask such a question in the first place. Now he had to answer for it but not before she answered him. “Well, is there?”
    She decided to indulge him this time, just so they could move on. “No, I do not have a man in my life. Why you persist in this matter with me I’ll never know.” She shook her head with a roll of her eyes. Returning her gaze upon him, his conquering smile astonished her, so she added, “Lovemaking is not a top priority in my life as it seems to be in yours.” Then she turned away from him as they reached the barn. Proud of her final statement, feeling that he had finally gotten her message, she missed the utter look of shock on his face.
    The message he received from her spirited words displayed a very innocent nature that needed some coaxing. Now she had challenged him. “Well that’s obvious. Perhaps you should try lovemaking sometime, you might like it.”
    He was blatant in his response as his piercing eyes challenged her. He always brought her down a peg or two but this time she was ready for him. “And I’d have an accommodating teacher, wouldn’t I Lord Blackburn?”
    They both stopped their horses for they were back at the barn now. Both stayed seated, sitting there with an intense glare between them. After a moment, Melissa pulled her gelding around so she could face John while their horses nudged muzzles.
    “I won’t argue with that,” he told her and without consciousness his eyes trailed along her body.
    “Finally, we agree on something,” she was saying but abruptly stopped speaking when her eyes found lust in his through and through as they steadied on her face. “Please stop. Why are you staring at me like that?”
    He knew the teasing should stop but it couldn’t be helped. “I was wondering if you were chilled?” he said as his eyes fell to her bosom.
    After following his focus, her immediate response was to cross her arms over her chest and in continued mortification noticed warmth springing into her cheeks. “Perhaps I am,” she answered, unable to get a handle on what was taking place, but when she saw a teasing grin form on his arrogant mouth, she claimed enough energy to carry on like nothing unusual had happened. “As long as we’re agreeable on our arrangement, I assume we’ll resume training on Wednesday?”
    John knew that more than likely arousal was more of a reality for her than being cold. She didn’t want to admit it, even if the air temperature they basked in was well warm enough. “Yes, on Wednesday. Does that suit you?” he inquired to make sure. She was quite the spitfire today.
    She nodded and they went their separate ways.
    Later that same afternoon John and Robert were sitting in a local pub completing their schedules of future races and training sessions for the weeks ahead. Robert poured more brandy into their glasses, noticing how unusually quiet John seemed to be. At first Robert decided not to interfere but then John got testy.
    Robert watched as John continued

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