My Forbidden Mentor

My Forbidden Mentor by Laura Mills Page A

Book: My Forbidden Mentor by Laura Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Mills
scribbling out a schedule, taking frequent sips of brandy in between. Robert couldn’t stand it anymore and had to ask, “What’s the frustration?”
    John picked up his glass and stared into it, then took another swig. Lifting his eyes to Robert he responded with a half smile. “You noticed, huh?” feeling the comforting smoothness of the familiar liquid sliding down his throat.
    Robert inhaled the fumes of his own glass, filling his mouth with the amber liquid as well. “It’s hard not to,” he answered, adding, “Of late, you’re not pleased with the stable boys, the riders, even the horses you’ve been looking at.”
    “Yes, I know,” he agreed.
    “And now the schedule. What’s going on?” Robert and John were always direct with each other.
    “I’m not sure exactly,” John replied. He’d always been an easygoing person. He always remained calm and collected and never got riled enough to attack anyone verbally unless outright provoked, but presently everything irritated him. One could look at him wrong and he’d fire off. Afterwards he’d be sure to apologize but his reactions proved disturbing, especially to himself.
    “Is it the young lass you’ve been training?” Robert questioned, concerned with his partner’s state of mind.
    “Could be.”
    “Well you’ve never taught a woman before, perhaps you’re uncomfortable with it.”
    “It’s more than that Robert. She’s different. She understands horses, she’s determined, and I’m not sure how to deal with her.” He took another swig. “She’s my student, yet I think about her often in other ways,” he explained, feeling ridiculous to admit that he yearned for her.
    “Wanting to mix business with pleasure, huh?” Robert inquired and then commented, “I don’t blame you John. From what I’ve seen of her, she’s a beautiful young lady.”
    John answered with a smile.
    “It’s obvious you must be thinking about her John. I’ve never seen you turn away so many women in my life,” Robert smiled while trying to cheer him up, knowing this had to be a serious issue for John. He’d never seen him in this sort of predicament before.
    It was a mystery to John, knowing he could have his choice of women yet he made no effort to pursue his physical needs. “It’s driving me mad. I have no desire to be with other women. And Melissa and I get along so well, until . . .” he stopped talking as he had revealed more than he had wanted.
    “Until?” Robert pursued, not letting John off the hook as he’d already said too much.
    “Until it involves sex,” John finally said and looked around the pub while casually taking another sip of brandy.
    “She doesn’t find you charming? I find that hard to believe.” Robert chuckled, knowing John could charm his way in any situation if need be.
    A sly grin cast across John’s lips as his gaze steadied back to Robert. “I don’t think that’s it, but I’m positive she’s still a virgin. I’m thinking that’s the reason behind her dramatic reactions.”
    “What have you done, John? Or tried to do?” Robert asked, the anticipation paining him.
    “Not much except kissed her once, and the odd thing is I was angry with her when I did it. I wanted to strangle her pretty little neck.” Frustration creased his features at the memory.
    “Strangling her is not going to get results John.” Robert smiled, feeling true compassion for his best friend.
    “Well, I’ve decided to be professional about this and if after her training the attraction remains, well, who knows.” Even as he said the words, their meanings weren’t solid.
    “John, are you brooding because she’s a virgin?” Robert asked as his brow arched in curiosity. Robert on occasion had experienced the art of deflowering, but John had not.
    “Hell no. After all, I have you to refer to if I have any inquiries,” he said with a devious smile.
    Robert filled with excitement. “So are you planning on deflowering Miss

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