Of A Darker Nature

Of A Darker Nature by Michelle Clay Page A

Book: Of A Darker Nature by Michelle Clay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Clay
rather get it done tonight instead of having to rush it tomorrow.” Emily smiled at Wren and shrugged.
    “Okay. Just make sure you lock the doors after you go back inside.” Wren gazed at the empty car once more. “And be careful.”
    Emily watched her drop into her car. Once Wren had gone, she locked the door. She stretched her legs on the chaise in the parlor and got comfy. She didn't sit directly in front of the window, but from her vantage point, she could see the car and anyone who returned to it.
    An upstairs floorboard creaked, and Emily lost her composure. It was silly, of course. The funeral home was an old, renovated Victorian. It creaked and groaned worse than an elderly man. She was so caught up in the momentary panic that she almost missed the lone figure that emerged from the shadows at the side of the lot. She peeked over the windowsill.
    John Doe! Had he come to see her and chickened out? Adrenaline kicked through her, and she surged to her feet. Emily burst out the door and down the front steps. Within seconds, she’d sprinted across the parking lot.
    “Hey!” Excitement heated her cheeks, and her stomach did nervous flips.
    To her complete surprise, he turned to gaze at her. Those few seconds seemed like an eternity while she stood there gasping for breath. Now that she'd captured his full attention, she had no inkling of what to do or say next. John Doe made the decision easy. He took a step in her direction.
    “I just wanted to thank you.” Oh shit, she was babbling like an idiot. “You know, for everything you've done.”
    His fingers cupped the back of her neck to pull her gently toward him. His light blue eyes drank her in and seemed to pierce her soul.
    Emily leaned forward to rest hands against his solid chest. She rocked forward, eager to taste him. This must be some kind of magic, and she wanted more. A breathy exhalation escaped her as he smashed her against his chest.
    His mouth captured hers. The unmistakable points of his fangs pressed her bottom lip, and she didn’t care. Not even one little iota. His kiss was gentle at first but grew more demanding. His mouth claimed hers, took possession of it. He tasted and teased with lips and tongue.
    Waves of heat and tingles of temptation collided within her. Desire throbbed between her thighs with every heartbeat. A longing that only he could feel drove her forward. One of her hands lifted to capture a handful of his silken hair. Her fingers tunneled through the strands, and she sighed against his mouth.
    Everything about this encounter with him felt so surreal, yet so valid. How could he, a man whose real name she didn't even know, make her feel so spellbound?
    She stepped back and looked up with wide eyes. Her fingertips touched his heart, and she offered a shy smile. “I don't usually kiss strangers.”
    “Come with me, Emily.” He dazzled her with another smile. “Let’s get to know one another.”
    Stepping off the curb, she took his hand. He hadn't charmed her or anything like that. It was just that his voice was smooth as chocolate silk and damn, could the guy kiss.
    “Will you tell me your name?”
    He looked good in a pair of jeans and a simple black t-shirt that stretched tight across his chest. His skin resembled unspoiled alabaster in the streetlamp’s glow. He was breathtaking, and he was looking at her again.
    “I hoped you’d come back, Marcus.” She tested the name out. It felt good, right. “There’s so much I want to ask you.”
    “Let’s go somewhere a little more private to talk .”
    Emily wasn’t an expert on body language, but judging by the look in his eyes and the way he’d kissed her, he wasn’t interested in just talking.
    “You sure that’s all you want to do?” She grinned at him, wondering where the hell shy Emily had gone.
    “For starters,” he answered. Tipping her chin up, he kissed her again. This one was quick but full of promise. He finished by brushing his lips along her

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