Of A Darker Nature

Of A Darker Nature by Michelle Clay Page B

Book: Of A Darker Nature by Michelle Clay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Clay
jawline all the way to the hollow of her throat. “We can see what happens from there.”
    A car horn blasted nearby, drawing them apart. The Miata that belonged to Beau's latest plaything screeched around the corner. The driver laid on the horn again, and Beau burst from the car's interior. “Get away from him, Emily!” 
    Marcus’s grip tightened possessively. Just like at the park, he positioned himself in front of her. 
    “What's going on?” Emily clung to her vampire’s arm. Why did Beau have to ruin the moment? Things were just getting interesting.
    Beau and Marcus stared at one another, neither willing to back down. Emily got the distinct impression that they knew each other. “Guys?”
    “She hasn’t done anything wrong.” Beau lowered his gaze and bowed his head. “Please, Marcus, let me take her inside.”
    Suddenly she felt torn. Beau was someone she trusted, and he had never given her a reason to doubt their friendship. On the other hand, Marcus was compelling, dangerous, and so damn sexy. Something about the man lured her in and made her want to get to know him personally and carnally.
    “I haven’t forced her to do anything yet.” Marcus narrowed his light blue gaze on Beau.
    “Please.” The single word hung heavy between the two men. Beau’s hand closed around Emily’s arm and he pulled her toward him. She went willingly, accepting there were dynamics in play that she didn’t quite understand.
    Marcus allowed his gaze to slide in her direction. “You owe me, Beau.”
    “Somebody better start explaining.” She was sick and tired of being left out of the loop. And what had he meant by yet ?
    Without another word, Marcus crossed the street and rounded the front of his car. He did not look pleased.
    Emily watched him drop into the sleek machine and pull away from the curb.
    Beau gripped her shoulders, forcing her attention back to him. “Are you hurt?”
    Emily frowned up at him. “What the hell, Beau? That’s twice you’ve pulled me away from him.”
    “That should tell you something.” Beau refused to let her go. “Did he hurt you?”
    She shrugged him away. Marcus had rolled out of sight by now. There was no reason to stand in the middle of the street now. Damn Beau and his bad timing!
    Beau followed her inside the funeral home. “Answer me, Emily! Did he hurt you?”
    She fingered the heart dangling around her neck. “No. He didn't.” 
    Maybe he didn't believe she was rational because he examined her neck for bite wounds.
    Emily couldn't help but smile. Her vampire came back. If Beau hadn't shown up, she might have learned more about him.
    Her friend’s eyes narrowed. “What did he want?”
    “I’m not sure.” Emily huffed. “Some rude bastard barged in and ran him off.”
    His laugh was more of an uneasy exhalation. “I didn’t run him off. If he wanted to take you, he would have. He’s far older and more powerful than I am.”
    “Why didn’t you tell me you know him? I’ve been trying to figure out how to find him all this time, and you’ve kept your mouth shut?”
    He ignored her accusation. “Why were you in the street with him?”
    Emily told him about how Wren noticed the car, but not the driver. “After Wren had left, the upstairs was all creaky and I got a little spooked. You know how it is. Your mind plays these games like, what if someone is waiting till everyone else has gone? What if the bad guy is hiding upstairs?”
    “He was upstairs?” Beau's expression clouded and his gaze drifted to the ceiling.
    “I don't know. I don’t think so. I saw him cross the lot. It happened so fast.” She snapped her fingers to show just how quickly it all had unfolded.
    “What did he say to you?” Beau demanded.
    Emily touched her kiss swollen lips. “He asked me to go with him.”
    Beau shook his head and grimaced. “Now it makes sense. You weren’t in your right mind.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “He must have enthralled you, convinced you to get in the

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