Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6)

Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6) by Julia Mills

Book: Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
front of her.
    The daisies, looming big and beautiful, reached for the sun and made her smile. She knew it was silly, but knowing Aaron had planted them for her made them all the more special. Glancing to the side, she gazed at the huge red flowers of the rose bush and made a mental note to ask him where he’d gotten such a beautiful plant, and why it always seemed to be in bloom. The backyard needed some sprucing up.
    That would be a great ‘thank you’ present to Sam for letting me use the cottage. I’ll get right on it…as soon as I find the gumption.
    Letting her head fall back, her eyes slid closed and she soaked in the warmth of the sun, letting her mind wander. Thoughts of how much her world had changed and how happy she was that she and Sam were back on speaking terms floated around her brain. That made her think of her parents, which made her remember that it had been days since she’d spoken to them.
    Her mom usually called at least every other day, especially now that her dad had retired from the police force. It was funny to hear them bicker. Marian Gallagher was a smart, sassy, retired nurse that always took care of everyone with a firm hand and a whole lot of love. Charles, aka, Chuck Gallagher, was a hard-nosed retired city detective with a heart of gold, and was Charlie’s very own version of a superhero. After all, she was named after him.
    The day Chuck Gallagher had responded to the 911 call about an abandoned newborn on the church steps was the best day of Charlie’s, then, very short life. She’d heard the story so many times she could recite it while almost perfectly imitating her dad.
    You were the prettiest little thing I’d ever seen. Snow white hair and bright blue eyes, rosy cheeks and sweet, rosebud lips that spread into a smile just like sunshine. I’d never seen anything as beautiful as you, except your mom. You were all wrapped in a fluffy pink blanket, cooing like you didn’t have a care in the world. The reverend said he found you safe and secure in an old-fashioned wicker basket. You know the kind, with high sides and handles.
    It was filled with bottles, blankets, little pink outfits of every description, and the tiniest diapers I’d ever seen. There were even two white teddy bears and a package of pacifiers. We never did figure out the meaning of the pretty copper pendant on the brown leather cord attached to the basket handle. Just knew that it exactly matched the birthmark on your hip. Your mom saved it until you were old enough to wear it and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without it.
    I took you straight to the hospital. Never left your side. The doctors and nurses knew me from your mother and all the times I’d brought victims in. When I said I wasn’t leaving you, they just backed away and did their jobs. At first, the doc was worried about the markings on your back, but they soon said they were only a birthmark.
    I was getting really impatient. Kept asking when they’d finally be done. Of course, you just smiled and even giggled a time or two. The nurses said they’d never seen a baby so young be so responsive and happy. Always so happy. I was just about to lose my mind when your mom showed up. She’d been covering a shift in surgery and recovery. Thankfully, she was just in time to hear the doctor say you were perfectly healthy.
    The folks from Child Protective Services came. Marian said there was no way in hell you would spend one minute in one of those scary group homes or a crowded foster home. It took a few calls and some big time favors, but a few hours later we were taking you home and you’ve been ours ever since.
    A flood of memories washed over Charlie; pictures of birthdays, holidays, family vacations, even simple days at the park; all the things that made her childhood so perfect. She felt like someone with a big announcer’s voice should be declaring, “Charlene Gallagher…This is Your Life.”
    Chuckling aloud, she lifted her head just in time

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