Permanent Resident at the Purse Table

Permanent Resident at the Purse Table by Keisha Bass Page A

Book: Permanent Resident at the Purse Table by Keisha Bass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keisha Bass
there every once in a while. Old creditors and stuff like that. I guess he was telling the truth about their relationship, but why couldn’t he just be upfront with me? No need for all the secrecy.”
    Ava got to what she really wanted to know. “Have you spoken to him since then?”
    â€œNope. And don’t plan to. Suffering a little will hopefully make him understand we’re supposed to be in this together and to quit hiding stuff from me. I’ll talk to him soon enough. And call the wedding back on too. I just want him to think about some things for a bit.” She brushed her hair back. “He hasn’t called me at all today. I guess he’s getting the hint.”
    Ava half-smiled. “Mmh.”
    Rene’s ringtone pierced Ava’s ears. After Rene viewed the screen, she said, “Speak of the devil.”
    Ava looked into Rene’s eyes. “And he shall appear.”
    â€œI’m going to take it. You mind?”
    Yes, I do. “No, I don’t mind.” Hoping Rene didn’t say anything about being at her place, Ava’s ears strained to hear any bits of the conversation.
    This was not the time to say anything to Rene about the night before. She’d pray about it first, and ask God to make crooked places straight. Would He really listen to her though after her actions? If He didn’t want to make the situation better or want her to literally lie in the bed she’d made, then He could at least give her the courage to do the right thing and tell Rene herself. Ava just needed to wait until the time was right. A public setting would be best, or at least have Toni present. But now was definitely not the time.
    Rene closed her cell phone and gathered her belongings. “I’m going to take off, girl. He has a lot of explaining to do, so I guess I can let him get to it.”
    â€œBut you just said—”
    â€œI know what I said, but I might as well hear him out.” Rene grabbed Ava by the arm and ushered her toward the bedroom. “But before I leave, I’m going to put some chicken soup in the crock pot. That way, it’ll be there warm when you’re ready.”
    Ava zoomed past Rene to her bedroom. Which way did I throw Ishmael’s note? If Rene came in her room for any reason, Ava did not need her finding that balled-up piece of paper. She dashed over to her TV stand and peeked underneath the piece of furniture and behind the stereo speakers. Nothing. Fumbling through a basket of clothes, the sounds of Rene opening soup cans and banging the cabinets closed fueled her fear. Her heart pounded the inside of her chest.
    A piece of paper rested by her desk. Her hopes fell when she opened the folded paper and read the work schedule she printed out the day before. The room could use some tidying up.
    She spotted the balled-up paper in the corner by the window. Rene’s footsteps approached as Ava hustled to conceal the evidence. She kicked the paper underneath the heavy cherry wood dresser and hit her big toe on the thick standing leg. “Dang it!”
    â€œWhat’s the matter?” Rene called out from the doorway.
    â€œI stubbed my toe.” Ava wanted to cry for many different reasons, but fought back the tears.
    â€œI told you to get in bed. What are you doing?”
    She swallowed. “Nothing. Just looking for something.”
    Rene turned to Ava’s bed. “Where are your sheets?”
    â€œWhat?” Guilt tore at Ava’s heart.
    â€œWhere are your sheets?”
    Think. Faster. “Oh, I got sick on them earlier.”
    â€œWant me to help you put some more on?”
    Ava assertively shook her head. “It’s fine.” She jumped in bed and pulled up the comforter reeking of Ishmael’s cologne.
    â€œWell, I put two cans of chicken soup in the crock pot. It’s nothing like your homemade stuff, but it should do the trick. Need anything else?”
    â€œNo, you’ve

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