Pieces of Three
    “What?” She covered her chest with her hand. Even with the interruption every part of her tingled, begged for attention.
    “You can’t hide from us.” Julian moved her arm aside. “We can smell your arousal, we know you have wanted us for a while, but you couldn’t decide who you wanted more.”
    Her research never mentioned shifters were also mind readers.
    “That fruit is just giving you a little taste into the torture we feel by just looking at you. Julian cupped her breast, his thumb barely making contact with her stiff, tender nipple. “We both want you. We both wanted you from the moment we saw you fall into the room.”
    “Never doubt that.” Porter wrapped one arm around her waist.
    Her focus darted between the two of them and she shook her head. The words they spoke couldn’t be real, neither could be the way they were all in the same bed together. She opened her mouth but had no reply.
    “So since we both want you and have agreed to both have you, you have to make one more choice.” Julian lifted his eyebrows. “Above all else remember that we want you.”
    Both have her? She held her breath.
    “We don’t want you to be with us because your body is in pain, we understand the agony.” Porter continued. “We are giving you the choice of either having us satisfy you, leaving you alone to take of your problem yourself, or…”
    Her cheeks heated and she waited for what came next.
    “We want to mate with you.” Porter pulled her toward him.
    Julian lowered his face closer to hers. “He means we want to make love to you.”
    In truth, there was no choice to be made, she wanted them and they knew it, and in some insane twist of luck she won the ultimate prize. No matter if it were only for this one fleeting second, as always she acted fast, scared she would change her mind and squander her chance to live the fantasy no matter what the cost. Her life opened up the moment she met them. How could being with them be wrong? They were all she had. “I want you…both.”
    No sooner did she voice her answer than her two males descended upon her once again. Their lips and hands seemed everywhere, touching all the right places and making her want even worse.
    She reached out to try to do something, anything.
    “Tonight we are taking care of you.” Porter caught her hand and took the time to give her an open mouth kiss on her cleavage as tore her shirt open.
    “You lay back and enjoy.” Julian let out a noise as he discovered she had already rid herself of everything below her waist.
    Unsure what to do, how to proceed, she tried to keep up with them, kissing back, stroking her hands along their incredible skin, and did her best to try to absorb everything.
    Porter slid down and took her nipple in his mouth, alternating between sucking and nipping while Julian kissed her, his fingers stoking her other nipple to full attention.
    “Oh!” She arched her back.
    “Looks like someone needs more.” Julian took his turn to move down.
    Porter returned to her lips treating her to slow, steady kisses as his hand continued to knead her breast.
    Julian slid down the side her body, kissing, licking and nibbling every inch he came in contact with. Once his lips reached her hip, he took hold of her thigh, spread her legs apart and pressed his palm over her.
    “Ah!” She gasped into Porter’s open mouth as Julian applied the pressure she craved. Without even realizing it, she lifted her hips.
    “She’s needs a little relief.” Julian moved between her legs. “I have to taste her.”
    She lifted her head, breaking the kiss, to find Julian’s face right there and she went to close her legs.
    “Don’t be embarrassed.” Porter pushed her back. “You don’t know what your scent does to us. It’s all we can do to control ourselves.”
    “Don’t deny me.” Julian licked his lips and lowered his mouth down upon her most intimate spot.
    Ecstasy filled sizzle overtook her. Julian’s warm mouth

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