Pieces of Three
turned her body into raging inferno of unused hormones. When Julian toyed with her and Porter did whatever he did by the lake, they created a yearning in her, something she needed quenched, satisfied. The sensation seemed only amplified, growing stronger with each passing minute and they weren’t even with her.
    How she could have imagined someone like either of them would want her was beyond her. They thought she was a silly human joke. Man or male, it didn’t matter, the opposite sex was something she would never master. She had to face it like she had to face a lot of things, and she stared at her reflection in the small mirror. Water dripped down her skin, her hair was all over and she wasn’t wearing any makeup.
    At the moment, her only option was to get herself together, stop dreaming of yet another species that didn’t want her, and figure out what would happen to her after they got off the island.
    She combed her fingers through her hair and smoothed down the shirt she found to sleep in, her hands grazing her breasts. A jolt shot through her, a bit of pain from touching overly sensitive skin along with a wave of pleasure. “Oh.”
    With a quick glance over her shoulder to make sure no one saw even though she was behind closed doors in the ship’s head, she closed her eyes and ran her fingers over her nipples. Like when Porter caressed her, they were already hard, and the small amount of attention filled her body with such a need she clenched her thighs together. Rather than alleviating any of the pressure, her body throbbed in response. Giving in for a moment, she pressed her hand to her center. Her breath quickened and she wondered how fast she could satiate herself without anyone being the wiser.
    “Alyssa!” Julian called to her.
    In a flash she jumped up, moved her hands away and gasped. Not only were these males set on torturing her, she was teasing herself as well.
    “Alyssa!” Porter yelled from right outside the door.
    “What?” Her voice cracked and she inhaled to try to gain any composure.
    “We wanted to make sure you were all right.” Julian strummed his fingers on the door.
    She dug her fingernails into her thigh. Frustration followed her and with no point in trying to continue, at least here, she slid the door open only to be faced with their bare chests. Also, she swore their pants were even tighter than before.
    “Everything good? Are you in any pain?” Porter reached for her.
    His voice socked her in the stomach. She wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to look him in the eye again, but she was certain she wouldn’t allow him to touch her. “I’m fine, I’m going to bed.” She pushed passed them, the thumping ache in her core only seeming to intensify with every step she took.
    Somehow she managed to make it across the room, chose what she dubbed her bed, kicked off her shoes and slipped inside the sheets, pulling the blanket up over her and turned her back to them.
    Like an ostrich she supposed if she couldn’t see them, they couldn’t see her. Her entire body seemed inflamed and her shorts twisted around, binding her.
    The sounds of them doing whatever shifters did before retiring for the night echoed around her. She drummed her fingers on the thin mattress while she listened to them opening and closing cabinets and padding around the quarters.
    Even though she wasn’t watching, in her mind’s eye she could make out each move they made, down to when one of them unbuckled his belt. She twisted the sheet in her fist. They didn’t even have the decorum to sleep in their clothes.
    Everything was loud, too loud, the image of them without anything on stirred her even more. She broke out in a sweat. Every piece of fabric grazing her skin taunted her and she shimmied out of the shorts leaving her entire bottom half naked and needy. A moan escaped her throat as she pulled her knees up.
    “Are you sure you’re all right?” Julian asked.
    Since she wasn’t talking to him, she

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