Ping - From the Apocalypse
while, and then I had a nap.”
    “Look, when you didn’t answer I decided to go for a walk. Got back a few minutes ago. I was going to knock again but then you came out before I could.”
    “Oh,” she said, unsure of what to think.
    He bit his lip, took off his shades and peered into her eyes with a dark, strained look. “You were telling me about Snowy.”
    “ Oh, right. Well, it was certainly inspiring, let’s say, to discover he’d survived. He keeps me company. You know… a pair of ears to listen to my troubles — not to mention my screams — especially on the way down here. We were stuck, snowed-in up in Ontario… no heat, lights, phone… nothing. It was cold.”
    She paused. T here was something in his eyes. He’d definitely been watching her out on the beach earlier… that was it. He remained quiet and so she continued.
    “ I wasn’t planning to stay too long here though,” she said. “Was going to be heading west in a bit.”
    Jack looked confused. “ Err… do you have family out that way?”
    “ Not that I’m aware of. No… Just want to continue my search for more survivors,” she sighed. “I had a feeling there were others and it looks like you’ve just proven me right.”
    “Here I am,” he said soberly.

Chapter Sixteen
    Hot on the Beach
    (April 22nd, Year One, PA)
    Kate fluffed her pillow, flopped back down and gazed out her bedroom window at the stars. Jack had been there for two whole nights now and she could not get him out of her mind. She hadn’t exactly realized it at the time, but the electricity — even during that first, bizarre conversation — had been present; a flowing current when he was near her that was difficult to ignore.
    S he’d been alone far too long. He claimed to be a doctor, a pediatrician. And surprisingly, it wasn’t his intelligence or even his tall, dark and handsome looks that she found so appealing. He had other qualities that were strangely compelling; his disposition was sober, with a mysterious depth that seemed impermeable, yet alluring. She found herself sitting closer, touching his strong arm and gazing with fascination into his dark, unreadable eyes when she spoke to him.
    He’d seemed terribly shocked each time she laughed at his words and then a tiny amount of pleasure would seep into his eyes, revealing a hint of repressed humour. That would make her smile as she continued to talk to him.
    But sometimes when he looked at her, with those obscure eyes, she felt her stomach churn slightly. She was certain he had secrets… but then, so did she.
    “What?” he had asked earlier. She had been peering inquisitively at him.
    “Nothing . You just seem cut-off somehow though. I—I’d love to see what’s going on inside that complex brain of yours. But, I guess we have plenty of time for that,” she’d snickered.
    T hat evening after a swim, he heated some oil in a frying pan over the barbeque grill and sautéed some fresh onions - they had discovered them earlier, growing in a nearby backyard garden — with a can of mushrooms. When they were caramelized, he threw in some canned chicken and doused it with red wine and lots of spices.
    They had eaten the meal out on the veranda and were finishing the rest of the wine when he said quite seriously, “I’m glad I found you Kate. Of course I’d like to stay around — but only if you want me to. You’re not stuck with me or anything.”
    She was sure that she’d blushed. With the edge of her thumbnails she had been making an ornate design in the wine cork and examined it as she replied, “Don’t be silly. I’m happy that you’re here too.”
    Later, s he’d yawned, “Well, all that swimming has made me exhausted. I'm hitting the sack. Goodnight.”
    I t felt safe having him there, just outside her bedroom in case she wanted to talk, or something.
    S he drifted off to sleep. Jon was now in bed beside her with his tousled blonde hair and concerned brown eyes. “Get away from here as

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