
Powerplay by Cher Carson

Book: Powerplay by Cher Carson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cher Carson
    Mark was grateful that the dim lighting allowed them to remain anonymous as they meandered through the tables.
    Once they were seated, Steve looked at the hostess’s name tag and grinned. “So, Sarah, what can you tell us about your boss?”
    She frowned, looking suspicious. “Kevin? Why do you ask?”
    Steve pulled out a chair, inviting her to sit down. “We have our reasons. Let’s just say, if you could help us out, we’d be more than willing to show our gratitude.”
    Mark pulled a wad of bills out of his pocket, peeling a few hundreds off the top. “Consider it a tip.” He slipped the money under the leather bound menu as he smiled at her.
    She looked around to see if anyone was watching them before claiming the seat Steve offered. She discreetly slipped the bills into her pocket, asking, “What do you want to know?”
    “You ever see him with a woman?” Steve asked.
    “You mean besides his fiancé?”
    Mark leaned forward. “You know Jenna?”
    Sarah smiled. “Sure, she’s a sweetheart. Way too good for him, if you ask me.”
    “We think so, too,” Steve said, smiling. “That’s why we need your help.”
    She looked at Mark and Steve carefully, sizing them up. “So, which one of you is after Jenna?”
    Steve held up his left hand to reveal a platinum and diamond wedding band. “I’m a happily married man.”
    She tipped her head toward Mark. “So it’s you, huh?” She grinned. “That’s too bad. You’re cute.”  
    Mark smiled, intent on using her interest in him to lower her guard. Obviously Sarah wasn’t a hockey fan, which seemed to be working in their favor. As long as Kevin didn’t know they were there, they could find out what they needed to know and bail before he figured it out.
    “Let’s just say that I’m a friend who doesn’t want to see her make a mistake.”
    She snorted, folding her arms. “Yeah, and marrying that guy would definitely be a mistake.”
    Steve glanced at Mark across the table. “Really? Why’s that?”
    “He’d chase anything in a skirt.”
    “Is that right?” Steve asked, smiling. “He doesn’t even try to hide it, huh?”
    It was taking everything in Mark not to lay the guy out in front of his customers and employees.
    He deserved to be humiliated the same way he’d been humiliating Jen for the past two years.
    “He hides it from Jenna,” she said, shaking her head in disgust. “He’s a totally different person when she’s around.” She made a face, shuddering. “He’s so sweet and attentive; it makes us all sick to watch him.” 
    “Did it ever occur to someone to let her in on it?” Mark asked, clenching his teeth.
    “Hey,” she said, holding up her hands. “I like Jenna and all, but I need this job. I’m going to school full-time and…”
    Steve waved off her explanation. “We get it, Sarah, we do.”
    Mark peeled a few more bills off the roll, tossing them across the table. “Thanks, you’ve told me everything I need to know.”
    She fisted the money in her hand and stood up, bracing her hands on the back of the chair.
    “Listen, I hope you can convince Jenna to see that guy for what he is. She deserves better.”
    “I agree,” Mark said, casting a glance at the bar. If only he could help Jen to realize that. 
    They were on their way out of the restaurant when Mark got a text message from Callie.
    Someone’s having a little too much fun at her bachelorette party. She made need a ride. You up for it?
    His fingers flew over the keypad. Yeah, where is she?
    Murphy’s, better hurry or you’ll miss your opportunity.          
    What the hell was that supposed to mean? Surely she wouldn’t consider leaving the bar with some stranger. Not unless she was loaded or… Don’t let her leave. I’m on my way.
    He turned to Steve as they reached their respective vehicles. “Hey, man, thanks for coming tonight.”
    “No problem.” He inclined his head toward the cell phone Mark clenched in his

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