leave her.” That was
actually the least of my worries but he’d brought up my mother’s
grieving so I thought I’d throw it back in his face.
    Leif frowned and closed the
distance between us causing my body to go on high alert. I had to
mentally force myself not to recoil from his closeness. I wasn’t
sure how he’d handle that. He was bound and determined my soul was
his but it sure didn’t want to have anything to do with
    “I’ll take you back soon. She won’t
even realize you were gone. I just needed a place where I could
talk to you. To explain, without,” he paused and a sour expression
curled his lips, “that stupid transporter or Dankmar continuously
botching my attempts.”
    So he was taking me home. I wasn’t
going to be stuck in this creepy cellar room forever. This was the
best news I’d heard since he walked into the room. Breathing became
    “You were worried I would hold you
prisoner? Come on Pagan, you know me better than that. When have I
not made sure you were happy? When have I ever intentionally hurt
you? Never,” he finished reaching out to grab my hand and hold it
in his. I wanted to jerk it away and run to the other side of the
room but I didn’t. Angering him wasn’t the best idea. If he was
planning on letting me go home I didn’t want to change his mind by
pissing him off.
    “What is it you want to talk to me
about?” I asked in a soft non-confrontational tone. It seemed to
please him and his boyish grin appeared. That was the Leif I knew.
Just seeing his smile eased my mind.
    “That’s better. Your heart has
slowed down. I don’t like having you scared. I never want you to
fear me.”
    Too bad. I wasn’t a fan of evil
spirits so I would always fear him.
    “Come for a walk with me, please.
We can talk while I show you around,” he said tugging gently on my
arm. I wasn’t really in the mood to take a tour of Hell but I also
wanted to go home so I let him lead me to the stone door that
matched the walls perfectly. I’d have never known it existed had he
not used it.
    The cool moist air didn’t surprise
me as much as my surroundings did. This wasn’t Hell. Although it
smelled very similar to what I’d expect if it were. The steam
rising from the black asphalt street in front of me was from the
wet night air cooling it down from what must have been an
abnormally warm winter day, not the pits of Hell. The old and
weathered French buildings lining the street were filled with bars,
dance clubs, and of course voodoo shops. I might not be in Hell but
this was the closest thing to it. A door to the bar directly across
from us opened and a man came stumbling out cackling loudly as a
larger man threw him out then firmly closed the door. The small boy
tap dancing only inches from the drunk man didn’t even flinch as
the man cursed and laughed while walking directly at him. Where
were that boy’s parents? It had to be midnight. A woman ran up the
street squealing with laughter then stopped and lifted her already
tiny top until both her breast bounced free and bare for the man
chasing her. She then turned and continued to run from him in
stiletto heels with her chest completely in view for the world to
see. The man finally caught up with her and swung her up in his
arms burying his face somewhere I’d rather not see. Jerking my gaze
off them and their revolting behavior I saw a horse drawn buggy
making its way toward us. I’d never really seen one of these in
real life. I wondered if that was why the streets smelled of manure
and vomit.
    “Come on Pagan, you’ve got your
eyeful. Let’s go for a ride,” Leif pulled me toward the carriage as
the horse stopped in front of us.
    “We’re going to ride?” I asked as
he lifted me up into the back of the buggy.
    “Yep,” he responded grinning and
took the seat across from me instead of beside me. I was thankful
for the distance from him but I didn’t like the fact that his eyes
would be fixed on me.
    “So, what do

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