ohgod, don’t let him morph into a horrid
    “He’s here. How the hell did
Dankmar get here so quickly?” he roared and the buggy came to a
stop. I took in my surroundings as Leif stood up and jumped down
from the buggy leaving me alone. The street lights were dim and the
nice lit up mansions and busy streets we’d been on earlier were
gone. This was downright creepy. A hand grabbed my arm and I jerked
around and screamed but it instantly died as Dank pulled me up into
his arms.
    “It’s okay,” he assured me and I
let out a choked sob of relief. He was here. I was going home. He
ran his hand down my hair. “Shhhh, I got you. He’s
    “Where? Are you sure?” I whispered
against his chest.
    “Yes, he bolted instead of facing
me. He’s out-ranked Pagan. I told you that.”
    Nodding into his chest I wrapped my
arms around his waist and inhaled his scent. I didn’t care that
he’d hurt my feelings earlier. I’d over-reacted. I just wanted to
leave this place.
    “Let’s go home,” he whispered in my


Chapter Nine
    “You won’t end this if
you stay here huddled over her like some damn guard dog,” Gee
grumbled from the chair that sat in the corner of Pagan’s
    I didn’t even take the time to
sneer at her. I couldn’t take my eyes off Pagan as she lay sleeping
in her bed. Safe. She was here with me and she was safe. The rage
inside of me from having her snatched away right under my nose
boiled. I’d been lax in my dealings with these spirits but no more.
They’d messed with the wrong guy. The next soulless creature they
sent near Pagan would be ended. I wouldn’t wait around to see what
its intentions were. I would just end its existence. I’d be
starting with Kendra. She wouldn’t be another missing person.
Unlike the weak spirit lord I could make sure no one remembered
her. I wouldn’t have to wait until their souls all forgot she
existed. It would be a clean excision. Kendra should have vanished
when Leif did. It bothered me she was still around although she’d
caused no stir since his departure. I’d watched her but she’d acted
as if she were the flighty air-headed cheerleader she had always
been. Not once had she approached Pagan or tried to flirt with me
in order to upset her. At least she had more sense than the one who
created her and knew to leave me and mine alone.
    “You have that ‘I’m going to kick
someone’s ass’ snarl on your face, Dankmar. What are you planning?”
Gee demanded.
    I’d almost forgotten Gee’s presence
in the room. She’d been here when we returned worried about Pagan.
That was one thing I could say about Gee. She was loyal to a fault,
and Pagan had managed to snare Gee’s loyalty. Now getting rid of
her was the problem.
    “Kendra needs to go. Soulless
creatures have no place here and I don’t want her near
    “Oh goody. I like that plan. The
bitch should’ve gone back when Leif did. I’ve been watching her at
school and she isn’t causing a problem but the fact remains she’s
there. Leif left her there for a reason.”
    “Exactly.” For once we agreed. But
then when it came to Pagan’s safety Gee was always on board. Pagan
muttered in her sleep and rolled over onto her back. I watched in
awe as her eyelashes fluttered against her high cheekbones. The
plump bottom lip I adored was sticking out just a little as if she
were pouting. Dark silky locks of her hair fanned out around her on
the pillow. Everything about her was incredible.
    “Puhlease stop looking like a love
sick puppy. It’s annoying as hell,” Gee teased.
    “So, I’ve gone from a guard dog to
a love sick puppy. What is it with you and your canine
    Gee laughed softly, “I don’t know.
Maybe I need a dog.”
    “Yeah, like that’s gonna happen. A
transporter with a dog as a pet. Where you going to board him while
you’re working? On cloud nine?”
    “Well, aren’t you a barrel

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