Project Ami

Project Ami by Emiel Sleegers

Book: Project Ami by Emiel Sleegers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emiel Sleegers
one of the men is very close to him. He looks around the corner and sees that one of the men is reloading his weapon. Ryan aims his gun and shoots the man three times in his chest.
    The guy drops his gun and falls down to the ground. Ryan then tries to look around to see where the other guy is; he notices he is trying to flank him.
    Ryan crawls around the corner of the bar and makes sure the other guy does not see him. He then walks alongside the bar and is now standing only a few feet away from the guy.
    Ryan jumps out and shoots the guy in the back.
    The guy falls to the ground and it gets quiet for a moment.
    Ryan is still not sure what just happened and he looks at the men he just shot, He then realizes that Ami is still behind the bar and he runs to her. He looks behind the bar and sees Ami sitting against it, her arms covering her face. He walks over to Ami and wants to touch her arm, but Ami is frightened and pulls her arms tightly around herself. Ryan quickly grabs both of her arms and holds her in controlled way whilst saying, ‘It’s me, Ami.’
    Ami then looks up and sees that Ryan is sitting right in front of her.
    ‘Is it over?’ she asks in a scared voice.
    ‘Yes, it’s over,’ Ryan reassures her.
    Ami gives Ryan a long hug and tells him that she was really scared that something would happen to him. He comforts Ami and then stands up and walks over to the dead guy with the knife in his back. Ryan takes out the dead man’s gun, removes the ammunition, and puts it into his own gun. He then walks over to the other guy. Ryan opens up the man’s backpack and finds some more ammunition, a bottle of water, and some basic survival supplies. He takes the backpack with him, and then walks over to Ami who, by now, has calmed down. He tells her that it’s best for them to get far away from this place because it isn’t safe.
    They walk outside of the restaurant and there Ryan sees a rusty pickup truck; it looks like it belonged to the resistance guys. Ryan walks over to the truck and sees that the keys are still in the car. He smiles and tells Ami this will help them to get to the city a whole lot faster. He throws his backpack into the back of the car and tells Ami to get into the passenger seat. Ryan sits in the driver’s seat and starts the car. He sees that there is probably just enough fuel to get to the city. He drives off the parking lot and onto the road, heading in the direction of the city.
    After driving for a while, Ryan sees it is getting dark; he also feels a bit worn out by everything that has happened during the course of the day.
    The city is still a few hours’ drive away, and so Ryan decides to overnight one last time before arriving at the city. ‘I think it’s a good idea if we get some sleep now. Tomorrow we will arrive in the city,’ Ryan says to Ami.
    Ami agrees, and Ryan drives up into a small forest path and drives the car into the bushes so that no one can see it.
    Ryan and Ami step out of the car and walk into the forest. There, they find a tree that has fallen and split in two, and they sit on it. Ryan notices that he has forgotten his backpack, and so he walks back to the car, grabs his back and also the one he took from the dead resistance guy, and walks back to Ami. He sits down next to Ami and hands her the backpack. ‘Here. In case you ever want to easily carry something with you and to keep your stuff safe,’ says Ryan.
    Ami smiles and says, ‘Thanks! You’re always are so good to me, Ryan. You always protect me so well. I want to be able to protect you, too. Maybe you can teach me how to shoot a gun in case we ever get into a situation again like at the restaurant?’
    Ryan agrees and tells Ami he will give her a crash course in the morning. He finishes his food and tells Ami that it is getting late. ‘I’m going to get some sleep,’ he tells her.
    Ami agrees, and they both walk to the car. Ryan steps into the driver’s seat and makes himself comfortable. Ami also

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