Pushing Up Daisies

Pushing Up Daisies by Jamise L. Dames

Book: Pushing Up Daisies by Jamise L. Dames Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamise L. Dames
Li winked. “Who said it’d just be us? You may meet a man, who knows,” Ming Li purred like a cat. “Just because you’re tired and broke doesn’t mean you have to look like it.”
    Daisy shut the closet firmly and crossed her arms over her chest. “Jasper was the dresser, not me. He bought most of those clothes. I don’t know the difference between Payless and Prada. If I like it, I’ll wear it, and I’m not wearing that. The hem’s too short.”
    “You do know the difference, and it’s not too short. Show your legs—they’re nice. Besides, you never know who’ll be looking.”
    Daisy eyed Ming Li. “Okay, fess up. Who’s the mystery man that you keep alluding to?”
    “If I gave you a wrapped gift, would you ask what’s in it? No, you’d open it. Have some patience.”
    Deciding to go along with Ming Li’s game, Daisy shook her head and took a plain yellow dress from the closet. “Okay, but I’ll wear this, not that. Sexy doesn’t have to be skimpy.”
    Ming Li smiled. “Turning a head works wonders, trust me. You’ll thank me later,” she said, then left the room.
    Minutes later, Daisy walked into the living room and turned around slowly. “Sexy enough?”
    Ming Li laughed. “Yes. It looks better on you than the hanger.”
    “So, are you ready to go? I can’t wait to see what you’ve been plotting behind my back.”
    Ming Li sighed. “Give me a second, I’m recovering.” She fanned her hand dramatically and wiped pretend sweat from her cleavage. “You have to excuse me. I just got a call from Lucian, my Trojan horse I was telling you about. He’s taking me for a ride in the morning and I can’t wait to see what tricks he can do.”
    “Uh, too much information.”
    “No, really. He’s taking me horseback riding and he can do tricks while mounted.”
    “Okay, if you say so.”
    Ming Li smiled suspiciously. “Guess what? Adonis is in town. He just called. Here, this is his number and the address where he’s staying.”
    Daisy grinned. Yes. Yes. Yes. She’d dressed sexy, pushed thoughts of being unemployed and a minute from homeless to the back of her mind, and mentally prepared for whatever surprise Ming Li had for her, but now she didn’t want to go—not with Ming Li. “Ming Li, where’s Lucian?”
    “Midtown. Why?”
    “You should go see him. We can go out another time.”
    “He’ll wait for me. Always does. Besides, you need to have some fun.”
    “I will, don’t worry. I hope you don’t mind, but I think I’ll put this paper to use.” Daisy waved the slip of paper in the air. “We’re old friends. I can visit him, right?”
    “Of course, why shouldn’t you? I’m sure he’ll be much more fun than me. So I’ll meet you back here—tonight, tomorrow, who knows.” Ming Li kissed Daisy on the cheek. “Have fun, sweetie, and remember… control. Well, I guess I’ll go see a man about a horse.”

    Daisy’s pulse quickened as she approached Adonis’ building. Maybe I shouldn’t have come. Looking at the paper in her hand, which had dampened from nervous excitement, she regretted not calling first. Wiping her sweaty palms on her hips, she straightened her back and held up her head. We’re friends. It’s okay. She forced one foot in front of the other and entered the apartment building.
    “Hello. I’m here for Adonis Mitchell, apartment 1901,” she greeted the doorman.
    “And whom shall I say is calling for Mr. Mitchell?”
    “Uh…Parker. Ms. Parker,” Daisy stammered.
    As the doorman picked up the receiver and dialed, Daisy closed her eyes and prayed that Adonis wasn’t home. If he refuses my visit, I wouldn’t blame him. Who drops by someone’s house without calling first? Besides, it’s too soon.
    “Ms. Parker, Mr. Mitchell said for you to go on up. The express elevator is the second on the right.”

    Daisy held her breath and rang Adonis’s bell. She didn’t know what to say, what her excuse would be for popping up. “Here we go,” she

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