Reckless (Blue Collar Boyfriends Book 1)

Reckless (Blue Collar Boyfriends Book 1) by Jessi Gage

Book: Reckless (Blue Collar Boyfriends Book 1) by Jessi Gage Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessi Gage
people said them and didn’t mean them, or said them so often they lost their meaning. He’d determined long ago to save those words for times he knew he’d done wrong and intended not to do it again.
    This wasn’t one of those times.
    He couldn’t promise never to lose his cool with Deidre again, and since Haley was their kid, she’d most likely see them clash from time to time even though he’d do his damnedest to spare her that. But he did owe Deidre an apology. So that’s what he gave her.
    “I apologize, okay? I shouldn’t have yelled at you with Haley in the house.”
    She sighed long and loud. “It would be nice if you didn’t yell at me at all. What’s with you, anyway? Ever since Friday, it’s like I can’t say two words to you without you taking offense.”
    “Yeah. At Haley’s game. You were distracted the whole time. Then you practically bit my head off when I said hello. I hope you weren’t hard on Haley over the weekend. I tried to ask, but she’s being sullen.”
    Friday. The accident.
    Had he really been acting more irritable since then? Come to think of it, why was he still having nightmares about the wreck? One nightmare he could excuse, since he’d witnessed something pretty hairy, but having it every night? Having it morph into another accident, one on a rainy roadside that left him feeling shaken and raw? And his dream-ghost girl… No, don’t think about her. Just get through this conversation without making things worse.
    He didn’t justify the comment about his treatment of Haley with a response. Deidre knew better than to imply he’d taken out his anger on her. “About the sullen ,” he said. “What’s she got going on today? I’d like to see her after work, maybe have dinner with her. I need to apologize for last night.”
    “Yes, you do.”
    He rolled his eyes, but half-heartedly. For once, he didn’t mind her judging him. Today, she was right.
    “She’s at softball camp until three, but I—”
    “I’ll pick her up.” He could get off early if he skipped his lunch break.
    “No. I don’t want to spring you on her.”
    Like a surprise visit to the pediatrician complete with immunizations. “Deidre.” He was trying to be good. Really, really trying. But if she thought she could pull this gatekeeper shit, he was going to let her have it. Nothing would stop him from making things better with Haley.
    “I’m not saying no to seeing her. In fact, I think it’s a good idea. Just let me talk to her first. Prepare her.”
    “Jesus.” He pulled at his hair with the hand not holding the phone. “I’m not a monster.”
    “Of course you’re not. But you do have a problem controlling your temper.”
    He wished he could deny it, but he just sat there mute.
    “Haley’s not used to seeing you get so upset. Can you blame her for being a little freaked?”
    She could have brought up his past, his high-strung, quick-to-anger father and the effect that kind of upbringing had had on him. But she didn’t.
    “Fine. Call me when I can see her.”
    “I’ll get in touch by four.”
    He had just made it home from work by the time Deidre called. “She doesn’t want to see you. I’m sorry.”
    He was in the kitchen, unpacking grocery bags. Two steaks to marinate, two potatoes to wrap in foil and stick in the oven. He’d gotten Haley’s favorite baked potato fixings, sour cream, shredded cheddar cheese, scallions and her favorite flavor of Ben and Jerry’s—strawberry cheesecake—for dessert.
    “What do you mean, she doesn’t want to see me?”
    “She’s hurt, Derek.”
    “I know. I want to apologize to her. Did you tell her that?”
    “I told her you felt bad about hurting her feelings and you wanted to see her tonight. That’s all. She said you can email her if you want. Maybe that’s a good place to start. I’m sorry. I know it’s not what you want to hear.”
    His face flushed with anger. At himself, for a change. He had hurt his little girl

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