Rue Toulouse

Rue Toulouse by Debby Grahl Page B

Book: Rue Toulouse by Debby Grahl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debby Grahl
Since the day I entered this house, Miss Dauphine has treated me as if I wasn’t good enough for her precious son. Well, I’ll show her. When you’re in charge, they’ll all have to respect us. And if she thinks she’s outwitted me, she’s mistaken.”
    Paulette frowned. “But what about Charlotte? I can’t have Ma Chérie as long as she’s around.”
    Hyacinth gave a dismissive wave. “Charlotte can be easily dealt with. It’s Miss Dauphine and Caterine that’s our problem.”
    In a bedroom down the hall, Frances glowered at her husband. “How you can stand by and allow your mother to disinherit your daughter is beyond me. Since your father’s death, you’re supposed to be the head of this family. For once in your life, stand up to that woman.”
    Jules rubbed his temples. “Frances, I’ll repeat this for the hundredth time. Markus and I haven’t any say over Ma Chérie. Besides, I don’t know why you’re so upset. Charlotte has never shown any interest in the business. I’m sure if you asked her, she’d tell you she couldn’t care less.”
    Frances’ back stiffened. “I’ll have you know that just last week Charlotte asked me a number of questions regarding the running of Ma Chérie. In the past she hasn’t shown an interest because Miss Dauphine has always been healthy, but now she’s getting up in years and Charlotte realizes the time is nearing when she’s going to have to take over.”
    Jules shook his head. “Not anymore.”
    “Are you telling me you won’t even consider talking to Miss Dauphine?”
    He sighed. “That’s exactly what I’m telling you. So will you please let it alone?”
    Frances’ mouth hardened into a thin line. “No, Jules, I will not leave it alone. Ma Chérie is Charlotte’s inheritance, and I intend on making sure she gets it back.”
    Across town, on the private deck of the casino boat The High Roller, Randal, Markus, and Charlotte were on their second round of drinks.
    “Well, I guess we’re all royally fucked,” Randal said. “I can kiss this boat goodbye.”
    Markus gulped his drink. “Yeah, what about my ass when Jules finds out about Doucette Shipping?”
    Charlotte held her head in her hands. “I thought for sure this would soon be over.”
    Randal narrowed his eyes. “Thanks to you, cousin, we’re all going down.”
    Charlotte slammed down her glass. “Don’t even try to blame this on me.”
    Randal lifted one brow. “It sure as hell isn’t all my fault.”
    “Both of you stop it,” Markus said. “We all had a part in this, and now we have to figure out a way to get ourselves out.”
    “If there’s anyone to blame, it’s Caterine,” Charlotte said. “God, I can’t stand the sight of her.”
    Markus sighed. “Caterine isn’t to blame any more than Mother is. It’s only that Mother’s timing couldn’t be any worse.”
    “Yes, well, I never much cared one way or another about Caterine, but right now I’d like to strangle her little neck,” Randal added.
    Charlotte smiled. “That would take care of one problem, but we still have Grandmère.”
    Both Randal and Charlotte turned to Markus.  
    “Don’t look at me. There isn’t a damn thing I can do now. Perhaps Ray can come up with something.”
    Randal snorted. “Ray is so pissed he’s not about to lift a finger to help us. No, we’re on our own, and I, for one, am not about to sit around and watch everything go to hell.”
    Two days later, after tossing and turning for most of the night, Caterine awoke late for work. Her car, which had never let her down, wouldn’t start, so she’d run to catch the streetcar, missing it by seconds. Finally making it to work, she was greeted by her two angry aunts.
    “Caterine, you might own Ma Chérie, but as far as I know, your Aunt Hyacinth and I still work here, or am I mistaken?”
    Great, this is all I need. Caterine gritted her teeth to keep from screaming. She took a deep breath and pasted a smile on her face. “Of

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