Rue Toulouse

Rue Toulouse by Debby Grahl

Book: Rue Toulouse by Debby Grahl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debby Grahl
exactly does this decision of yours leave Paulette and me? Are we SOL or what?”
    “Really, Charlotte.” Frances gave her a disapproving scowl.
    “What, Mother? Don’t you think we have a right to know who would inherit Ma Chérie if something were to happen to Caterine?” Charlotte stiffened. “Why are you all staring at me? Anything could happen to her. Why, her own mother was already dead at the age Caterine is now.”
    A deafening silence filled the room. A chill went up Caterine’s spine as she gazed into each face.
    Two spots of color stained Miss Dauphine’s cheeks as she slowly rose. In a voice taut with anger, she spoke. “Your despicable behavior here tonight has proven to me once and for all that my decision to place the welfare of Ma Chérie in Caterine’s hands was exactly what I needed to do. So there’s no confusion, Charlotte, if Caterine were to precede me in death, the business would revert back to me. Currently her will states that after my death Charlotte would be next in line to inherit, but as sole owner Caterine has the authority to leave Ma Chérie to whomever she wishes.
    “Now, neither Caterine nor I plan on leaving this world soon, so hear me and hear me well. If any of you try and interfere with my decision, or with Caterine and the running of Ma Chérie . . .” Here she paused. “Trust me, you will live to regret it.” Her head held high, Miss Dauphine swept from the room.
    With her family’s eyes boring into her, Caterine felt like a trapped mouse surrounded by hungry cats. She knew tonight’s events had shaken her grandmother more than she let show. She decided to leave her family to stew in their anger and go check on her. She took a deep breath, stood, and confronted the group.
    “As Grandmère said, I knew nothing about this until yesterday. I don’t really care if you believe me, but believe this—Grandmère has entrusted me with Ma Chérie, and I intend on living up to that trust. As long as I’m alive, Ma Chérie will be run according to Grandmère’s wishes.”
    Caterine hadn’t taken but a few steps out into the hall when Frances’ voice stopped her. Unable to help herself, she crept silently back and listened outside the door.
    “Jules, your mother is eighty-two and becoming senile,” Frances was saying. “This situation is outrageous. I want to know what you intend to do about it.”
    “The papers have been signed. There’s nothing I can do.”
    “I agree with Frances. Miss Dauphine has lost her mind,” Hyacinth said. “There has to be some way to stop this.”
    “Hey, don’t y’all look at me,” Raymond replied. “I’m a corporate attorney. I told you, Clayton Butler knows what he’s doing.”
    “What about assigning someone to have power of attorney over her affairs?” Frances asked.
    “Good luck,” Raymond said. “You’d have to get her assent, or prove that she’s incompetent to handle her own affairs.”
    “There’s not a damn thing wrong with Mother’s competency,” Markus said. “She knows exactly what she’s doing.”
    “Mama, I still don’t understand why Grandmère gave Ma Chérie to Caterine,” Paulette said. “Why does she always get everything she wants?”
    “Because she’s been pampered and spoiled and raised to believe she’s special and better than the rest of you,” Hyacinth snapped. “But she’s about to learn differently. There are others in this family who have just as many rights.”
    “I, for one, am sick and tired of the little goody-two-shoes preying on Grandmère’s sympathy,” Charlotte said.
    Her anger rising, Caterine was about to reenter the room when Uncle Jules spoke.
    “That’s enough. Caterine was devastated when her parents were killed. Who wouldn’t have pitied that child? I don’t blame Mother and Daddy in the least for sheltering and surrounding her with love and affection. Now, if Mother has decided to give Ma Chérie to Caterine, so be it.”
    “We’ll see about that,”

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