Running To You

Running To You by DeLaine Roberts

Book: Running To You by DeLaine Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: DeLaine Roberts
imagine why or how this happened.
    As the nurse left, I could hear her explaining that visitors were no longer allowed and that they needed to leave. After a few moments, the nurse returned with Drew and Cooper in tow. I could not see or hear Grayson, which was just fine with me. What secrets is he keeping? What does his brother have to do with PMC? I feel like I have been seriously played and I don’t know why. The thoughts just make me even angrier!
    “Alex, I filled Cooper in on the events. Can I get you anything, do you hurt anywhere, and do you need something for pain?” I could tell he was all tied up in knots. But all I wanted to do was beg for mercy. I had let him down. What a way to start my career, blowing my first big project planning meeting for a beta site.
    “Drew, I am really okay, but I am mortified at the events of the evening. I am so very sorry, how can I make this up to you? It sounds as though I am lucky my injury is slight, but it will be hard to keep me down. I will be back at it just as soon as I break out of this jail tomorrow. Please pull up chairs for you both and start filling me in on the particulars of whom, what and where? It seems that I can’t get a straight answer out of Grayson. And Drew, you can start by telling me what Grayson’s brother’s name is and what the hell does he have to do with PMC?” By now, I am sobbing hysterically.
    Cooper reaches for my hand. “Al, you have to calm down. The nurse said we could only stay if your blood pressure stayed down. You are at a high risk for a stroke. Anxiety will just make your risks worse. So please, please take some deep breaths and calm down. Otherwise, they will sedate you and kick us out of here.” Cooper gets up in the bed with me and is holding me tight, comforting me to control my sobbing.
    Drew takes the opportunity to fill in the blanks for me. “Alex, his name is Harrison, Harrison Brooks. I don’t know all of the details, so forgive me if this gets patchy. I have made some calls and will know more by tomorrow, I am sure of it. Phillip is staying mum. So he either doesn’t know everything or he's afraid to anger the venture capital guys in with Harrison. Their group is currently providing funding for us to continue our daily operations until we are sustainable on our own again. Harrison is an attorney, who made some great dotcom choices years ago and is now quiet wealthy. He is from, and continues to live in Chicago, he attended Northwestern, Alex, and he lived across from the Coffee House where you worked.” Pausing for a moment, then as if he remembered more,
    “Harrison and Doc are identical twins. Grayson chose the Army route like his Father. Harrison took the scholarship route. He and Grayson used to be really close like most twins, now they don’t have a relationship at all. I just can’t seem to find out why. Back when Harrison was part of PMC, Grayson must have known that, which would explain why he refused to see myself or Phillip or talk to anyone about our products. He was always such a mystery. Phillip kept close tabs on Grayson and insisted that you continue to work on him. I think partly because Harrison is on the board again and also funding the company to some extent right now. I realize how this all looks at the moment Alex and you feel like you have been played, but I can assure you, I had no idea. Alex, I am so sorry. I didn’t know all of this until tonight, after your accident, or I would have never put you in the middle of this, I mean that!”
    I needed time to process all of this. I just wanted to be alone. I began to shudder. I think that the guys could tell I needed to be alone as well. “Al, as soon as they give us the word on the CAT Scan of your hard head, I am taking Drew to the hotel. I will bring your things when I come back. Here is your iPhone and charger. Just so you know, Doc is texting you about every three minutes! You really do need to see him and clear the air, or send him

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