Running To You

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Book: Running To You by DeLaine Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: DeLaine Roberts
packing, but don’t leave him hanging.”
    “I just feel blindsided right now guys, that’s all. I know I have feelings for him. But I can’t deal with him right now and my head is fuzzy. I can't think straight and I am angry that I am a victim to his surprises, unless he didn’t know that Harrison was in town or part of PMC again. After some rest tonight, I want more details tomorrow!”
    The guys left and I was alone with my thoughts, but the meds took over and I had drifted off to sleep for what seemed like hours. When I woke up, my head was throbbing. Right in front of me were beautiful flowers all arranged with roses in various fall colors of orange, cream, tangerine, lilies and my favorite little chartreuse button mums. The card simply read: “Please give me a call on my cell. If I hear it ring, I answer it.”
    Ah so sweet. That is what I said to him when I left his office the first time and he turned me down for using our products. What should I do? I can’t leave him hanging. Picking up the phone, “Grayson, the flowers are beautiful, and they brighten my room. Thank you for getting them.”
    “Alexandra, I need to see you.” His voice was almost a whisper, “can I see you?”
    “Yes, I will see you,” but before I can finish saying that I would see him in the morning, he was walking through the door. Had he been waiting outside the door this whole time? I begin to shudder and shake a bit, from nerves or possibly medication. Grayson rushed to me. Holding me while trying to discern if I was starting a panic attack or just upset, I am not sure. He was taking deep breaths in my neck and in my hair, drinking me in. He felt so good wrapped around me, cradling me so gently, caressing me, but holding me tightly enough that he made me realize I needed him to touch me, to hold me.
    “Grayson, were you outside my door this whole time?”
    “Alexandra, I told you I wasn’t leaving. You can’t run me off that easy, although the nursing team has threatened violence against me.” Chuckling, he was trying to lighten the mood a bit. He pulled back slightly, running his finger along the edge of my cheek, down my jaw and over my lips. Surprising me, he leaned in and gave me a long, soft, sweet kiss, just lingering his lips barely on mine for the longest time, just his lips, my lips, and this chemistry of our breaths flowing through both of us. I could feel the heat of his breath on mine and hear the beat of his heart, racing with me.
    “Alexandra, we have lots to talk about, but you have to rest. Your blood pressure is spiking which is very, very serious. So, I will sleep in the chair outside, I refuse to leave you alone and I will be here for you. Tomorrow, when you are better, I will tell you everything, I promise you! Just sleep now, angel, just close your eyes and sleep.”
    I could feel my eyelids getting heavy and I tried to fight the sleep, but I couldn’t. I awoke after what seemed like hours to a commotion in my room. The Neurology team was here to take me for the repeat CAT scan, but my blood pressure was still too high. There were so many people in my room barking orders at each other. Grayson, where’s Grayson? I need him here. Cooper is standing in the corner and looks scared to death. I want to yell help me, help me, somebody please help me, but I can’t get my words to come out. I am so frightened.
    “Gr...ay...son, I wannttt Grayson,” stuttering! Oh no, it’s not stuttering, am I having a stroke?
    “Ms. Morrison, please calm down, Dr. Brooks is on his way. He just went over to his office to get some charts, and he will be right back.” I could hear the nurse talking to me, then to someone else. “PAGE DR. BROOKS STAT!”
    “Alex, you have to take some deep breaths and relax, you have to.” Cooper looked panicked, scared beyond belief.
    Dr. Kirk abruptly spoke to Cooper, “Do you know any of her medical history? We need some answers quickly.”
    “I have been her friend for most of her

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