Second Chance

Second Chance by Audra North

Book: Second Chance by Audra North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra North
might have done something shady with the money wasn’t something he could think about right now. He’d deal with that later.
    “Final condition. You’ll work alongside me, in my office, for the next six days. Any possibility you come up with, any number that can be tweaked even a little bit, I want you to share it right away. It’s not because I don’t think you can handle it. But this is just too big for me to take it less than one hundred percent seriously.”
    Her throat worked in a delicate ripple. He’d never noticed before just how fine her skin was, pale and smooth and probably soft to the touch.
    Get a grip. He stepped back toward her, offering his right hand. “What do you say? Do we have a deal?”
    Those green eyes darkened, the pupils growing large in the irises. An irrepressible thrill shot through him, something primal that made him feel like a predator in the midst of hunting a particularly juicy prey.
    Her gaze flickered from his outstretched hand to his face before her warm fingers slid into his grip.
    “I accept.”
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    This book was something of a whim—a passing thought that turned into a short story that turned into novella. Thank you, Tahra Seplowin, for encouraging me to run with this, and for the valuable input and inspiration.
    To my husband and children, thank you, as always. You make my life better every day just by being you.
    To Gwen Hayes, for a fabulous critique and edit, I am so grateful. You are brilliant, funny, and talented in equal measure, and you made this book so much better through your hard work.
    And finally, thank you to my readers for all your support and love! I appreciate every one of you.

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