Seducing the Innkeeper (At First Sight Book 3)

Seducing the Innkeeper (At First Sight Book 3) by Janet Lane-Walters

Book: Seducing the Innkeeper (At First Sight Book 3) by Janet Lane-Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Lane-Walters
good chance you’ll get your wish,” Christa said. “How about over breakfast tomorrow?” She squeezed Mark’s hand. “Mary, this is Mark Blakefield. He’s staying at the cottage.”
    Mark shook the young woman’s hand. Here was a possible solution to the problem of a long distance marriage. “Good to meet you.”
    “Oh, you have a visitor. Stella and Peggy took him to the cottage.”
    Mark groaned. Only two people knew he was here. His secretary would call or text. She wouldn’t drive just to give him a message. “Did he leave a name?”
    “All he said was Tony.”
    Why had his attorney arrived? He kissed Christa’s cheek. “I’d better see what he wants.”
    “I’ll handle dinner reservations and the sitter. Go see your friend. If there’s a problem we can put our plans on hold.”
    “Not a chance. I’ll send him on his way.” Mark turned to leave. Until he knew why Tony was here he didn’t want Christa to know his friend was an attorney. “Keep your mind on tonight.”
    He hurried from the inn and jogged to the cottage. Tension settled between his shoulders and tightened like a vise around his head. Had Tony learned something to turn his plans on end? What had Christa’s half-sisters concocted? Their ability to indulge in flights of fanciful thinking astonished him.
    Mark opened the cottage door. Tony sprawled on one of the couches with a beer in his hand. “What are you doing here?”
    “Curiosity. I’m glad I made the trip.”
    “You must be kept from making a huge mistake. Your friend’s sisters gave me an earful.”
    “Half-sisters.” Mark frowned. “I’m sure they invented quite the story. They have vivid imaginations. Which of their tales did they spin? I especially liked the one about the letters Christa sent telling me about the pregnancy and the ones I wrote back denying paternity.”
    Tony shook his head. “Between tears and how they didn’t want me to think their sister was a thief I dug out this story. The boy isn’t yours. The father was a guest who was here for several weeks. She wants to sue you for child support.”
    Mark laughed. “When you see Davy you’ll know he’s mine.”
    “His father was blond.”
    “Believe what you want but they lied.”
    Tony put the beer on the coffee table. “They also told me how she’s trying to sell the inn and cheating them out of their share. I’ll help them and they’ll testify about how their sister wants to cheat you.”
    Mark’s laughter grew louder. “You are an ass.”
    “What’s so funny?”
    Christa’s mother was sole owner of the inn. Her father only ran the place while she was a minor and when she was in college. The Sister’s Curious have no share in the inn. After their parents died Christa cared for them and paid their college tuition. Their only inheritance was bills Christa paid. On Monday if you’re still here, stop by the courthouse and check the records.”
    Tony groaned. “You’re saying I was had by a pair of con artists?”
    “More like practiced liars.” Mark beckoned. “Come with me so we can see what story they told Christa. Then you can go home and come back next Saturday to be my best man.”
    * * *
    Christa covered her ears to dull the shrill voices of her half-sisters. An urge to gag them warred with a need to slap them. The tale they told was unbelievable. How could any attorney find a way to grant them a share of the inn? Ownership was hers and a trip to the courthouse would reveal the truth.
    “You have said enough.” Christa’s hands formed fists.
    “You’ll see. He’s gonna help us get what we deserve,” Peggy shouted. “Davy’s daddy is suing you for custody. Why else would his attorney appear?”
    “Could be they’re friends.”
    Stella laughed. “Look at this paper again. We found it at the cottage. Sue. Custody. Paternity. Visitation. Looks to me like he wrote this.”
    “I don’t believe you.” Christa crossed her arms. They didn’t know she

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