SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton

Book: SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Coulton
hard-on. Her mouth was warm and wet, her lips supple as she grasped me in one hand and slowly licked the tip of my cock. I groaned her name and begged…and she seemed thrilled at my pleasure.
    She used one hand to tug gently on the base of my erection while that beautiful mouth began to swallow my head and shaft. The cavern of her mouth was heavenly velvet and exquisitely hot. It was almost too much to bear. I let her suck me close to the edge before I forced myself to stop.
    “I need you to come for me, babe,” I whispered to her. She looked up, nodding, seeing the urgency and sliding her beautiful wet pussy right up and over my hardness. The moment when I plunged deep inside of her seemed to last forever. We held on to each other, and she gyrated on top of me, pressing my hardness against her G-spot to bring on her pleasure.
    It happened quickly, and when she started to shake with her orgasm, I came like a rocket. We were both in ecstasy, grinding and leaning into each other as stars burst behind my eyelids and propelled me to another world.
    I sit up with a start. I dozed off for a second and bam, there is she is in my head. She’s like a drug. Addictive as hell. Carrie. Fuck! I’ve ruined everything. From the very start of this mess when we were in high school, to the decision I made to hide my history with Neon when I met Carrie again. If only I’d had the foresight to realize she was going to find out what happened anyway. She’s a reporter for heaven’s sake. I underestimated her, and I made mistakes.
    Right now I’m looking at conclusive proof that my ex-girlfriend may have kidnapped the woman I love. On top of this, I have the FBI gunning for me because they think I’m responsible. It couldn’t be worse if I tried. I only hope my foolish actions are not going to cost Carrie her life.

Chapter 11
    Blake is off the April Lee case. He’s suspended. Now he’s making waves with Jessup Lee. And his new girlfriend is missing. This guy is my best friend. It goes without saying that I’m ready to do what I can here at the precinct to help him through this crazy time. I just wish Jacob had his back too. It would make my life so much simpler. It’s not, so I have to resign myself to work in secret and not get caught.
    “Ryan,” Jacob calls my name as I walk past her office. Oh, here we go. She’s a smart one. I look over at her, hoping I don’t look guilty. I can’t let her get clued in on what I’m up to. “I just wanted to check in with you, how’s that wrist doing?”
    I breathe a sigh of relief, safe for hopefully another day. “It’s a little tight, but feeling better, Lieutenant.”
    “Does the physiotherapist have a new date on when you’ll be back on full duty?”
    “Within a month to six weeks, boss.” I deliver the news with enthusiasm. “It’s getting better every day.” I hold out my wrist and twist it around a little to show off my new range of movement.
    As I walk away, I have to admit I’m not a good actor. I was never a good liar, and working as a police department tech analyst hasn’t made me any better at it. A rock climbing accident left me with an injury not long ago. It has put a damper in my ability to do the work I enjoy, and has been the death of more than one planned weekend on the hills. The one good thing is it’s given me more time to spend perusing the April Lee case.
    It’s not one of my assigned cases; the lab work was done weeks ago. Blake is my oldest friend. And when a buddy needs help, I want to have his back; especially Blake. He’s a good cop. It’s just that he sometimes gets too close to his cases. He’s made some stupid calls before too. This is why Jacob won’t give him any more leash to choke himself with. I’m certain Blake has had nothing to do the abductions, or with Neon. I would know if he was involved with Neon. I’ve never seen him happier since Carrie came into town, and into his life.
    I pass the

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