Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete

Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete by Amy Star

Book: Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete by Amy Star Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Star
guys, have I tried double-penetration yet, do I really live in a cabin in the woods, and are there bears up there (oh, if only she knew).
    It hasn’t all been fun and games. One of those alpha bear gatherings happens once in a while, and I had the audacity to show up to one not long after I started living with them. It was a pretty ugly affair at first, with some of the other bears not being too happy about a human woman being among them, and some threats about Jake and Max losing their alpha statuses were thrown around. But that’s a whole other story for another time.
    What really matters to me is that I finally have something that I never knew before finding my bears: a family. I’d lived my life alone for so long I never imagined I’d ever know what that felt like; now I can’t imagine my life without it.
    Now, if you’ll excuse me, Jake is currently in the other room preparing his specialty gumbo dish, in anticipation of Max coming by to join us shortly. I sure hope he’s got food with a lot of carbs in that stuff, because those boys are going to need plenty of energy for the things I’m going to do to them tonight...
    The End...
    For now....


    Jake was really good with his hands. I hummed happily as his big paws expertly massaged the muscles of my back, sagging down into the couch, resting my head on my folded arms with my eyes closed in contentment. I was just waiting for the point when he would move his hands down from my back and onto my bare ass.
    What was almost as good as the massage Jake was giving me was the smell of the meal Max was preparing in the kitchen. I could hear those hamburger patties sizzling on the grill. I could already taste them, and my mouth was already watering. There was plenty Max could do well, wonderfully in fact—I could go for pages, ooh la la—but his burgers were positively to die for.
    It had been two weeks since we decided that living in two separate cabins was too much trouble and we all moved into Max’s cabin (we chose Max’s because Jake didn’t have as much stuff, so moving would be easier for Jake than for Max). I was personally quite happy with that arrangement; I didn’t have to pick and choose whose place I would be staying at anymore. Now both my bears were right in the next room at any given moment, instead of an hour’s walk away.
    “Lunch will be ready in just a minute,” Max announced. That seemed like a good-news/bad-news situation to me: good news because it was almost time for Max’s succulent cooking; bad news because Jake’s wonderful massage would have to end. Ah, well, sacrificing one pleasure for another seemed like a fair trade.
    When the plates hit the table, I sighed and rather reluctantly got up from the couch, lamenting the loss of having Jake’s strong hands on me. But one whiff of the food on the table and that disappointment was forgotten. I sat down to eat with my two bears seated on either side of table, right where I could reach out and touch them at any time I wanted.
    Just the way I liked it.
    Life had been good since I said goodbye to civilization and made my home in the woods with the two of them. No more chauvinist bosses, no more crotchety landlords, no more assholes in Porsches on the road, no more thick city congestion, no more graffiti and street grime and noxious smog. Now it was nothing but the beauty and tranquility of nature. I could run around the woods bare-assed naked all day and come home to not one but two big strong men waiting to ravish me.
    And let’s not forget the ravishing itself: because that part had been simply stellar. I had been long since convinced that there was nothing better in the world than being stuffed by two cocks at once. Having one big bear in my pussy and the other in my mouth was always the best part of my day. And

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