Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete

Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete by Amy Star Page B

Book: Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete by Amy Star Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Star
to my knees in front of him, and turning this restful water break into a not-so-restful blowjob break. He hardened up quickly in my mouth and put a big hand on my bobbing head.
    Jake didn’t take long to get involved in this, bending down behind me and reaching around to take hold of my tits. Before too much longer he was lifting up my hindquarters and pushing his big bear cock into my wet opening from behind.
    I really had meant for us to save this for later, when we were at wherever it was we were going, but these things had a way of just happening with us. Anyway, it ended up being just a quickie in this case; I sucked Max to completion in just a few minutes, and Jake fucked me to completion in just a few more minutes. We still wanted to save our energy for when we got to the cliff. We finished up, dusted ourselves off, and then once we got some actual rest and hydration, we continued on.
    I expected that to be the most excitement we got until we reached the cliff.
    Go figure, I was wrong.
    We were about a mile or two from where we were going when Jake suddenly stopped, looking around. “Hey, you hear that?” he said.
    I started to say, “Hear wh—”
    “Yeah, I hear it,” Max said.
    “Hear what?” I said, getting the full two words out this time.
    Both of them stepped out in front of me, looking in the same direction. I strained to see what had their attention, seeing nothing. “What is it?” I demanded, starting to get a little impatient.
    My impatience was suddenly answered in the form of a sudden flash of fur and teeth that leapt out of the brush at us. I stumbled back onto my ass with a sudden shriek at the four-legged shape that had appeared in front of us, looking at us with yellow eyes.
    A wolf.
    My fear was short-lived, based purely on surprise. Once I got over the initial shock of its arrival and got a good look at what it was, my need for fear vanished. What did I have to fear from a forest predator when I had two bigger ones watching over me?
    On that note, I expected my guys to shift form once that beast appeared to scare it off. They didn’t. “Guys,” I said, as the wolf continued eyeing the three of us, “shouldn’t you be doing something here?”
    “That’s not an ordinary wolf,” Jake said.
    Before I could ask him what he meant, the snout on the four-legged beast in front of us started shrinking back into its face, and its fur started receding into its skin. Its tail began to disappear, and its ears slid down the sides of its head, becoming smaller and rounder. The toes on its paws started extending into fingers, and it stood up on its hind legs as they became longer than the front ones.
    And suddenly it wasn’t a wolf standing in front of us at all. It was a man.
    “A werewolf!” I gasped.
    “Yeah,” he said, folding his arms. “Sorry if I startled you all. I didn’t realize you were bears until I got a little closer.”
    “Hey, no harm done.” Jake said. “I’m Jake, that’s Max, and the girl is Billie.”
    “I’m Eric,” the wolf man said.
    “I didn’t realize wolves had moved back into these woods,” Max said, not sounding overly thrilled to see our present company.
    “Old habits die hard.” Eric said. “My pack has been keeping a low profile.”
    “And is jumping out at travelers how you do that?” Max spat.
    “Max, come on, don’t be that way,” Jake chided him.
    “It’s okay,” Eric said. “Like I said, I’m sorry about that. It’s just I was pretty sure I smelled a human. In fact,” he added, starting to sniff the air, “I’m positive I still do.”
    “Well,” I shrugged, “I guess you do. I’m a human.”
    As soon as I said that, all eyes suddenly turned to me. Eric was staring at me, seeming scandalized, while Jake and Max were giving me disapproving looks, as if to say, “Why did you do that?”
    “You have a human with you?”

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