Shayla Black

Shayla Black by Strictly Seduction

Book: Shayla Black by Strictly Seduction Read Free Book Online
Authors: Strictly Seduction
John’s Wood shortly after midnight, where Maddie would be, waiting just for him and his plans.


    Midnight chimed from the tiny clock beside her, startling Maddie. Dazed, she lie curled on the green sofa, an old copy of a Fanny Burney book of Aunt Edith’s flat across her chest.
    Brock wasn’t coming. Maddie sighed. He had no intention of becoming her lover to free her from debt. Defeat and disappointment congealed with fear in her stomach to form a tight, heavy ball.
    What would she do now?
    Maddie sat up and set the book aside. Prickly panic returned when she thought of facing either the Fleet or marriage. Rubbing cold hands together, she again pondered her options, but they hadn’t changed. The Fleet or marriage. Both were hell.
    Rising, she paced, nerves stretched taut and brittle. Brock claimed this marriage was a social move for him, but his actions smacked of revenge, as if he somehow blamed her for marrying in the face of his abandonment. That, coupled with his ruthlessness, meant he could strip away every ounce of the independence, peace, and security she had guarded zealously since Colin’s death.
    He could do far worse to Aimee.
    Since she would become his child legally, he could mistreat Aimee simply because he believed the girl to be Colin’s offspring. He could do anything he pleased to the child. Beat her, starve her, even send her away or sell her. Maddie might never see her daughter again—and legally, she could do nothing.
    Even if he didn’t harm Aimee, it would only be a matter of time before he realized that he was her father. Who knew what he’d do then? Poison Aimee against her for spite? Brock was persuasive enough—and wealthy enough—to do it.
    A tight fist of fear squeezed her gut. This plan to become his mistress, her only means of avoiding both Fleet and marriage, must work.
    Behind her, a creak sounded, followed by the click of the door latch closing.
    Maddie dashed to the foyer to find Brock in the portal, wind-blown and silently imposing. He wore a hint of a smile, as if he hid a secret. Heat rolled off of him in waves.
    “ You’ve come,” she whispered, taking tentative, trembling steps in his direction.
    “ Yes.” His gaze burned into her, pinning her in place as he removed his greatcoat and gloves. “I want to touch you, Maddie. I want to touch you in ways you’ve never been touched.”
    His bold confession sent heat bursting through her. Her stomach clenched with desire. She swallowed against her fluttering pulse.
    No. She had invited—encouraged—Brock’s desire so he might fall prey to her wiles, not so she could succumb to his. She couldn’t afford to lose her head, as she had with their last kiss.
    Maddie drew in a deep breath. “That is why I’m here, to be your mistress, to please you—”
    “ I will not make love to you until we are wed, Maddie. But I want to touch you now.”
    Before she could utter another word, Brock closed the distance between them in two long strides and took her face in his hands. He slanted his mouth over hers and melded his lips to hers, thrusting his way inside and taking. Desire charged her as they shared breaths. Something dark and musky rose from Brock and sent her senses soaring. Moaning, she mindlessly clutched his shoulders and kissed him back.
    With bold insistence, he parted her lips again. His tongue swept through her mouth possessively, as if he had every right to be there and always had. Her knees gave way, even as her mind screamed that she must think, must persuade him to become her lover—without losing another piece of her soul to this man.
    Without warning, he tore his mouth from hers and rested his forehead against hers, his ragged breaths falling warm and hard upon her lips.
    “ Brock?” she whispered. “Make love to me now.”
    “ Shhh.” He stroked her face with a thumb across her cheek. “I gave into temptation once before. I will not do it again. I’ll only have you as a wife.”

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