Snatched (Coronado Series Book 2)

Snatched (Coronado Series Book 2) by Lea Hart

Book: Snatched (Coronado Series Book 2) by Lea Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lea Hart
inside. She’s not someone you want to tangle with. Our Dad would be the first person to tell you that too.”
    “I would like to meet her someday, I bet she has a million stories to tell.” Rory gathered her things and her purse together. “I’m going to get out of your way and let you two catch up. I’ll head over to Birdie’s house and check up on her. Mark went wheels up today and I think she could use a friend and a bottle of wine.”
    “I will drive you over, just give me a minute.”
    “No way. I’m fine on my own, you stay and catch up.”
    “How are you going to get there? Your car is at your house.”  
    “I’m going to drive your car. You can catch a ride with your brother.”
    Max turned to his brother, “Did you ever meet Mark?”
    “I think I may have, when you were on a two day layover in Germany.”
    “I think that’s right. Mark is engaged to Rory’s best friend. That’s how we met. Birdie was worried about her and Mark suggested that she give me a call.”
    “Is this the small world of SEALS again?”
    “It is. Whatever you need is only one phone call away. Just call a brother and he can tell you where to go.”
    “Interesting! I didn’t know you could make a call for a girlfriend.”
    Rory finally tuned into the conversation, “I’m not a dial up girlfriend. That’s rude - I’m not even sure I am one. I don’t have boyfriends – I have a strict no-boyfriend policy.”
    Max looked at his brother with a scowl, “Thanks, I appreciate your help.”
    Sean held up his hands in defense, “I am innocent.”
    Rory adjusted her purse on her shoulder, “I’m going to Birdie’s house. You all are starting to make me crazy. I’m not saying that in a good way…. either. I need a break, so I’m going to my friend’s house and drink and enjoy some much needed estrogen.”
    “The only reason I’m considering this is because no one will look for you in my car. Also, I have a team at Birdie’s house installing a security system. I will track you until you arrive and then I’ll have one of the guys check in with me.”
    “That is very over protective of you and slightly controlling. I’m going to let it go for now considering you are trying to protect me from a stalker. We may have to revisit it after you catch the guy.” As she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek he brought her closer and kissed her for real.
    “Jeez guys, give me a break. I’ve been OCONUS for almost nine months. I don’t need to see that. Give me a break.”
    Rory pulled back, “It was his fault. I’m completely innocent.”
    Sean laughed, “Women like you have never been innocent. You’re like a package of C4. We just have to make sure you don’t detonate and blow us up.”
    “I have no idea what you just said, but if it’s a compliment, I accept. If it’s not, then I am going to remember that when it comes time to buy you a present.”
    She turned and walked out of the office and behaved like she was Queen Elizabeth, except with more dignity. “When are you going to marry her? Because if you don’t, then I may have to.”
    “I’m going to marry her as soon as I can talk her into it. I have only known her three days though, so it make take me a while. I think I will have it locked down by next week.”
    “Get on it bro, you don’t want a woman like that to slip through your fingers.”
    Max walked out and followed Rory. He wanted to make sure she got to the car safely. He didn’t like the idea of letting her go off by herself, but he had her fully chipped. He knew he could keep an eye on her, no matter where she ended up.


    Rory pulled in front of Birdie’s flower shop and heard the car phone ring, and it startled her. Pushing the button, she answered hesitantly. “Hello, this is Max’s car, Rory speaking”
    “Baby, why are you stopped? You’re not at Birdie’s house yet.”
    “Ok, this is very creepy. I don’t want to know how you know this. I’m picking Birdie up

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