Stepping Up To Love (Lakeside Porches 1)
trays to keep her food from spoiling on the drive.
    Seeing that, the taller officer told her, “No need for you to make a statement right now, but we do need to know how to reach you.”
    Manda gave them her new cell phone number and new address. She loved the way it sounded when she said, “Fourteen dash one Lakeside Terrace.”
    When her face lit with a smile, the stress vanished for all of them. Manda gratefully accepted their help hauling everything down to her car.
    She smiled all the way across town, up the hill, into her parking space, and into her little apartment. “Home,” she said.
    She stood in the center of the space for a moment, thinking about her prayer in the car the night she left Kristof’s. You were paying attention, weren’t you, God? Thank you. I could never have imagined living in a place like this.
    Halfway through organizing her kitchen, she heard Tony arrive with tools in hand.
    “You beat me,” he teased.
    Manda described the scene that greeted her on campus after her shopping trip with Joel.
    “Doing lines on the counter? Hey, if that was the last straw, what else went on before that?”
    Manda laughed. “Last night it was a snake dance on the sofa. That’s why I didn’t get supper.”
    “Do I want to know what you mean by a snake dance on the sofa?”
    “Stacey has a snake tattoo on her belly, and the guy has one—well, let’s leave it at that.”
    “Other highlights we should know about?” Tony went on.
    “Nothing else illegal. I’m sure security will be asking for a statement from me, and I’ll fill them in. Hey, I need to lighten up right now.”
    Manda was busy stocking the tall cupboards and hadn’t heard Joel come into the apartment. He came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “You okay?”
    She turned and welcomed his hug of reassurance. “I’m good. I’m where I’m supposed to be, and I’m really grateful that Tony is getting those locks in place today.”
    “Did Kristof do something after I left you?”
    “No, I walked in on my roommate and her biker buddy doing drugs. I called security, and they helped me vacate. I hope it’s okay that I’m here this early?”
    “Of course it’s okay. How can I help?”
    Manda was aware of Tony’s eyes ping-ponging back and forth between the two of them, taking note of Joel’s hands stroking her arms. She was suddenly self-conscious and wondered when she had become so comfortable with Joel’s touch. She felt her face flame.
    She announced, “I…actually need a break. I’m going to walk down Lakeside Terrace and see what’s at the other end. Catch you later.”
    Tony grunted a reply that sounded like, “A little family beach. Not much action there!”
    Manda flew past him so fast he dropped the drill.
    “Hey! Take it easy, girl!”
    In rhythm with her walk—left foot, right foot—she recited, “I am off men for life! I am off men for life!” all the way down Lakeside Terrace, around the curve, and onto the beach. She sat down hard on the sand, locked her arms around her knees, and glared at the dark blue of the lake. White caps were building, and two foolhardy sailboats bent into the wind as they raced to their moorings.
    Manda had never felt so at home in her life or so happy with her choices. But was she crazy living in the same building as Joel Cushman? The last thing she needed was to fall for a man who was way too sexy, who—if the rumor mill had any credibility—charmed every woman that came onto his radar. If only she didn’t love his touch and admire practically everything else about him. She really needed to be off men for life—at least right now. Feeling this way about Joel was way too confusing.
    She hated that she’d dared to give him a hug this morning when he’d first showed her the apartment. And he’d hugged her back for a second and then let her go like she was off-limits or something; what was that about? Her Grandma Doughty would say, “Joel Cushman’s not interested

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