Storm Shades
lays a comforting hand on the old man’s shoulder.
    Finn clears his throat for dramatic effect. “Isn’t anyone going to say how good I look?”
    Finn is in his standard uniform of skinny jeans, ironic t-shirt, and hipster glasses. “You look good too, buddy. You fit right in.” Sofie rolls her eyes at him, as he strikes a pose.
    “The idea is to blend in, Finn. Not to provide the entertainment for the evening,” says Darwin in his best school teacher voice. It has the desired effect; Finn looks like he’s just been given detention.
    “I’ll be good.” The computer genius pouts like a little kid.
    “Great, now let’s get a drink.” Sofie encourages both men towards the only bar they’ve seen nearby.
    The rain has finally let up, and the air has that pleasant smell of freshness found only out of the city. It’s a short walk to ‘Shots’ on the outskirts of town, near the woods where Sofie got lost. Before they’ve even walked into the bar, it’s clear that Friday night in Beaumont is in full swing.
    “Here we go, stick together, gang.” Finn takes a deep breath, as if they were all heading into certain danger.
    “It’s a bar, not a war zone.” Sofie laughs, opening the door and encouraging the men inside.
    The place is packed, and there are what look like young college students making a whole heap of noise, clearly already well into their tab. Sofie heads to the bar while the men trail after her. She recognizes the petite woman serving drinks from the furniture store. She was the one that was watching her like a hawk, and her gaze hasn’t got any friendlier.
    “Hi!” Sofie says brightly, flashing a smile.
    “What can I get you?” The woman barely bats an eyelid.
    Sofie orders the drinks, and then Finn and Darwin take their beers. Sofie signals they should grab a table and she’ll settle up the bill. “Don’t be long, these small towners give me the creeps. You never know if they’re going to go all ‘Wicker Man’ on you.” Finn doesn’t lower his voice enough for the bartender not to hear him, and she raises an eyebrow.
    “Finn just go sit down and try not to say anything stupid, or anything at all,” Sofie suggests through gritted teeth, looking apologetically at the bartender. “Sorry, my friend has a strange sense of humor.”
    “I saw you today…at Ash’s place.” The way the woman says his name suggests that there’s a history between them, and Sofie wonders why the idea of that makes her heart feel like it’s being squeezed in her chest.
    “That’s right. I’m Sofie.” She holds her hand out for the other woman to shake.
    “Lindsey,” the other women replies, shaking hands briskly without taking her eyes off of her. “So what are you city folk doing all the way out here?” she asks, as if she were making small talk while she pours drinks at lightning speed.
    “From the way you ask that question, it sounds like you already know the answer.” Sofie chooses her words carefully, but she pulls herself up to her full height. She refuses to be intimidated.
    Lindsey smiles like she’s been caught. “Ash was right. You are smart.”
    There it is again, the way she says Ashton’s name. “So, I’m guessing he told you what the guys and I are doing here—in the canyon.” She looks around to make sure that no one is close enough to overhear them.
    Lindsey nods wordlessly, looking like she’s about as happy with them working for Shale as Ashton was when he found out.
    Sofie takes a deep breath. “I’m not the enemy, but if no one tells me what the deal is with the wolves, then there isn’t much I can do.” She takes a sip of the vodka tonic that Lindsey has just placed in front of her, needing some Dutch courage.
    Lindsey looks at Sofie like she’s seeing her for the first time. Her expression changes from one of suspicion to one of interest. But before she can say anything, the raised voices from the college students’ table get even louder and more menacing. Two

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