Suddenly Royal

Suddenly Royal by Nichole Chase

Book: Suddenly Royal by Nichole Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nichole Chase
snorted. Not the problem today.
    “ My prof gave a pop quiz. I think he was really offended that people might have skipped his class ‘just to see some royals.’” She made air quotes with her fingers. “No offense, Alex. He’s a stick-in-the-mud.”
    Jess was a teaching assistant for Dr. Woodrum, one of the most boring teachers you could get. Then again, the thought of premed classes made me squirm. Animals were one thing, but I didn’t want to change any bedpans or give rectal exams.
    “ What class is it?” Alex asked.
    “ Beginner’s Biology.” Jess grabbed another fry. “Long story short, Woodrum hates all college students but knows the basics better than anyone.”
    “ And he is your advisor?”
    Jess nodded her head. “It’ll look good on my resume. He’s written so many articles it’s insane and it lets me work on some really interesting projects. Even if I do have to put up with his comb-over and bean-dip breath.” Jess sighed dramatically.
    “ You chose it.” It was an old argument.
    “ I thought you might need someone to go with you to the raptor center, but it looks like you’ve got it covered.” Jess’s eyes darted between me and Alex. I knew she was trying to figure out if he was going with me. I could almost feel her mentally prodding me for answers. Or maybe that was the foot she was using to kick my leg.
    “ There are three bodyguards standing outside the door waiting on me.” I batted her foot away from me.
    “ Not to mention the three that followed me.” Alex laughed.
    “ Oh, are you going with Sam?” Jess turned bright eyes toward him. He seemed to pick up on her tone and leaned back in his chair, that little smile playing on his mouth.
    “ She was kind enough to offer to show me the birds.”
    “ Uh huh.” She turned and smiled at me. I thought about shoving her off the desk.
    “ Alex has birds at home. I thought he might enjoy seeing the ones we have here.” I stood up and started collecting the trash. Alex held open the bag so I could stuff the wrappers inside.
    “ Well, I guess I’ll go on to my office then.” Jess stood up and picked up her bag. “Have you heard from Dr. Geller?”
    “ Shoot. I need to check my e-mail. Today has thrown me off.” I sat back down at my computer and opened up my account, scanning the messages. I frowned when I saw the one from Dr. Geller. Apparently the dean had contacted him, so he knew a little bit about what was going on. He would be in early tomorrow to talk.
    “ Greeeaaat,” I muttered.
    “ Geller unhappy?” Jess looked over my shoulder.
    “ The dean called him.” I met Alex’s eyes. His face was blank and I knew he was waiting for more information. “I think he was just surprised to not have heard the news from me.”
    “ It’s not like you exactly had time.” Jess shrugged. “You’ll be fine. Geller loves you.”
    “ We’ll see.” Would he still love me if I went to Lilaria? He had invested a lot of time in my education. Was I really thinking about going?
    “ I’m going to run. I’ve got some papers to grade and I don’t want to do it tonight.” Jess looked over at Alex. “Enjoy the birds. Don’t let the eagle bite you. He’s a moody bastard.”
    “ I shall endeavor to keep my fingers to myself.”
    “ You do that.” Jess moved out of his sight and winked at me.
    I looked away from her and down at my computer to log off. “See you later.” I didn’t look up when I heard the door open. I was worried Alex would see the relief on my face. The longer Jess was around him, the bolder she would become in her jokes.
    “ She’s a good friend.” Alex said it like he knew for sure after spending less than an hour with her.
    “ I have good taste.” I smiled at him as I picked up my bag. “Ready?”
    “ Lead the way.” He opened the door for me and motioned into the hall. There were people in suits filling the area just outside the office.
    “ Uh, I need to head over to the center.” I looked at

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