Suddenly Royal

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Book: Suddenly Royal by Nichole Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nichole Chase
Duvall, who motioned at the others. Someone handed Alex a winter coat and we headed down the stairs. There were more people in the lobby than normal and I had a sneaking suspicion it wasn’t because of the snow. In fact, the ones that normally used the area to study looked irritated. I didn’t blame them.
    “ Sir, should I send someone for your car as well?” A man that rivaled Alex in size leaned close.
    “ No, I’ll be accompanying Samantha.” Alex nodded at me.
    “ Yes, sir.” The man moved ahead of us to clear the door.
    A young woman with red hair broke away from a group near the elevator and stopped in our path. She was vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t remember where I knew her from. Her shirt was unbuttoned much farther than it normally would’ve been considering the frigid air outside, and from the way her friends giggled, I was sure it was just for Alex’s benefit.
    “ May I have your autograph?” She smiled around the bodyguards at Alex, her eyes practically shimmering like an anime cartoon. The guards continued to block her, allowing Alex to make the decision.
    “ I’m sorry, I can’t sign anything.” Alex flashed a panty-dropping smile and she made a little moue of disappointment before turning toward me.
    “ Would you sign?” She pushed the notebook toward me.
    “ Um.” My eyebrows rose so high, I thought they might try to escape my face.
    “ You were the TA in one of my classes last semester. I can’t believe I know a royal.” She shoved the notebook toward me and I had no choice but to grab it. I felt awkward and clumsy as I stared at this girl who acted as though she knew me.
    “ As much as we would love to sign it for you, we’re not allowed to give autographs.” Alex took the notebook from my hands and held it out to the girl.
    “ So you are a royal?” Something in her eyes shifted to a shrewd glint. With one simple sentence, Alex had confirmed all the news reports floating around and sent the rumor mill into overdrive.
    “ I’m a grad student.” I tried to keep my face friendly, but I had a feeling she wasn’t some silly co-ed.
    “ But you’re also part of the royal family from Lilaria?”
    “ I’m sorry, we’re going to be late.” I tried to smile, but it probably looked deranged.
    “ My brother works for WKFS. He’d let you tell the story in your own words.” She stepped closer and I saw the guards around us move into action. Duvall slid between us and Becca stepped close to my right side. Alex put a hand on my elbow and steered me away from the redhead.
    “ Let’s go.” A thread of anger slid through his quiet words as we tried to walk around everyone.
    “ Samantha, are you and the prince dating? Have you always known you were from a royal family?” The heat that would have normally flooded my cheeks was countered by the cold that seeped up my spine.
    I didn’t look back up until we’d gone through the security checkpoint. That was when I noticed the extra campus guards. Instead of the usual one, there were three. They each looked me over with interest but also made sure no one was following us.
    The cold air slammed into me and I scrambled to button up my coat. Alex had dropped his hand from my arm but stayed close by my side as we walked through the campus to the parking lot. Despite my earlier instructions to not walk around me like they were guarding the crown jewels, the team was carefully edging people away from us.
    “ It’s a pretty campus. I imagine it’s very nice in the summer.”
    “ Are you trying to distract me?” I looked up at him, amused.
    “ Is it working?” He cut his eyes toward me. “You looked like you were leading a funeral procession.”
    “ I did not!” I laughed, realizing he was right. “Okay. It’s just weird. And strange. And disconcerting. All these people staring at me. I’ve been here for four years, but they’re acting like I’ve suddenly sprouted a second head.”
    “ You’re a novelty.” We got to the

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