Taken Love

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Book: Taken Love by KC Royale Read Free Book Online
Authors: KC Royale
tangled in the other’s as he rubbed his hand down my arm, looking at me expectantly.
    “I need to talk to you about something.” I stated, and swallowed rather loudly.

Chapter 10
    “WHAT IS IT baby?”
    “I’m going back to school.  I’m starting at Columbia in two weeks.” His face immediately changed into one of anger, he exhaled harshly, releasing me from his  arms,  and  I  could  feel  the  draft  hit  me immediately.
    “Are you asking me, or just telling me this?” He snapped, shrugging his shoulders, looking at me completely flustered. He sat on the edge of our bed, slipping back on his boxer briefs, and handing me my underwear. I snatched them from his hand, and put them back on, as he exhaled harshly. He ran his fingers through his hair, staring away from me, the tension radiating off of him in waves. We didn’t fight a lot, or even disagree too often, but when it did happen, it was pretty intense. He wanted to control everything, and I wanted what I wanted from him, when I wanted it. So it was a battle of wills until one of us cracked, and it was normally me. Once he got his hands on me I would normally cave. I just couldn’t resist his touch. We were both still growing up, and we were trying to do that together, and we were succeeding, for the most part. I think as long as we were honest with one another, we were doing very well. I had nothing to complain about on that front. He was always honest with me, and so was I… except with this. He then turned towards me, and just stared at me in silence, as I sat up, moving closer to him.
    “I want to go, JP, I really don’t want to waste time sitting here while you’re out there getting a jump start on your future.”
    “Ours,” He quickly corrected me. “Our future together, Kathleen. You have everything you need here, and you couldn’t wait and take a year off? We talked about this already, we’re supposed to wait a year.”
    “I changed my mind… I mean, haven’t you?” I heard his sharp intake of air.
    “I am making investments to secure our future, baby, I want to make this money work for us, and our livelihood. I want us to have it all, and I want to have a successful business.”
    “You will, and I know you are, but I want some things too. I’m not asking you to go, JP.” His eyes widened at my brazen words. “I’m asking you how you’d feel if I got a small efficiency near the University, so I don’t have to commute here during the week.” He stood abruptly, and I could feel that his anger was reaching an all-time high. His fists were balled, and his shoulders were stiff. When he looked over at me, growling, that’s when I knew it… he was pissed.
    “You want to leave me?” He snapped, yelling as if he were a madman. I started to move near him, crawling on the bed near the edge.
    “No, I just want too—.”
    “You’re not going anywhere, do you hear me, Kathleen?” I stopped my movement, and raised up onto my knees, staring at him in silence. Why was he so upset, it was just college? “You did all this on you own, why didn’t you discuss this with me?” He yelled. “I don’t know, I couldn’t find the right time.” I muttered.
    “We live together, so how could you not find the right time?” He snarled.
    “JP, this doesn’t change anything. I’m still your wife, and I love you.” He huffed, and walked towards me, grabbing both my shoulders.
    “If you go, this changes everything, Kathleen, everything .” He grated out. That was when I saw it, as his eyes roamed over my face. I realized there was panic in his eyes. But why?
    “Why would everything change, Johnathan? Don’t keep things from me, we should have no secrets… none at all. ” I cried, not being able to hold back the tears that now fell from my eyes, as he stared at me in torment. What was wrong? Why was he panicking like this? What did he mean everything would change? Would he not want me anymore? His eyes closed, and he

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